Plot and William Faulkner
“A Rose for Emily”- p. 54-60 eText.
Questions: Post one substantive paragraph and two other comments to receive full credit for the discussion.
- In 1950, Faulkner accepted the Noble Prize for Literature. In his speech, he stated that the “problems of the human heart in conflict with itself…alone can make good writing because only that I worth writing about”. What conflicts of the heart appear in this story–think broadly about history and setting, as well as character?
- Plot: Faulkner uses a number of Gothic elements in this plot. Describe some of the Gothic elements, and explain how these elements both forward the plot and establish atmosphere. In other words: how does setting influence plot? (Hint: review the weekly lecture for an understanding of Gothic literature.)
- Explain the events that begin and end the story. How do these events relate to one another, and what do we then learn about how Faulkner has constructed this plot?