Homework help – Summary Essay: This assignment includes two parts: reading an article, writing a summary.

See Chapter 18 in Evergreen for more information on writing a summary.

Text Box: Basic Expectations:  1. Read and annotate article    2. Essay – Minimum 2 pages double-spaced, maximum 3 pages, 11pt. Times New Roman    3. Complete self-graded portion of rubric; total the points for both the essay and timeline  Topic:  The article in Evergreen page 599-602 by Christopher Bacorn “Dear Dads: Save Your Sons” Audience: Your instructor and your class peers, others of your choosing Genre:   Reading: Newspaper article  Writing:  Homework help - Summary   Format:  I need help with my homework - MLA  or APA format --whichever one you are most familiar. See page 314 in Evergreen for a quick reference to both styles. (ex. APA/I need help with my homework - MLA ) Example in-text I need help with my homework - MLA : (Bacorn 639).    Example in-text APA:  (Bacorn, 2002)  Action: Take notes while you read the article – annotating your questions, main ideas, vocabulary questions, author’s purpose or argument.  Just for fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi8RnDjELdc this video shows you a quick way to identify the main points of a story using the “Somebody Wanted But So Then” strategy.  Somebody Wanted But So  Then

1. Essay description and details: For this essay, you will write to your audience using a formal tone about the article assigned. Be careful not to add your opinions about the topic, just summarize the article. In other words, the reader will know the article and its primary purpose without having to read it.

1. Your writing style:

a. Write with a formal style and tone — like you would perform an academic report to your classmates. Be sure it is organized and easy for the reader to follow. Read it aloud to test this out! Better yet, read it aloud to someone else and get a peer review.

2. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include all the things we have learned so far:

a. Title

b. Intro, Conclusion, Title

c. Homework help – Summary, Quotes, Plagiarism

d. Subject/Verb agreement, Sentence Structure, Commas

3. I need help with my homework – MLA or APA Format

a. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include in-text citations for every reference to information from the article

b. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a works cited (I need help with my homework – MLA ) or reference page (APA)


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