RE-Writing suggests from professor; A problem with this paper is that you have not identified an issue in the field of emotional and behavioral disabilities. Yes, students with conduct disorders have very challenging behavior. So do most children with EBD. What is it about these students that presents an issue in the field? Is the issue that teachers don’t have the training to effectively work with this population? If so, then you need to make the case for the issue and use citations to support that it is a problem in the field.
The original requirements: Students will identify a problem in the field of emotional and behavioral disorders and write a 4-5-page (maximum) paper summarizing the problem and addressing possible solutions to the issue. A minimum of four references from peer reviewed professional journals (beyond required readings for the course) is required for this paper (e.g., Behavioral Disorders, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Development & Psychopathology). Please adhere to APA guidelines for spacing, font, margins, citations, and references. An “abstract” is not required for this assignment.
P.S, “Xannotated-Reaction Paper” is an examplePSSSSSSSPA