Marsha is a new fourth-grade student joining your classroom after the school year is already underway. Marsha has a hearing impairment and wears a hearing aid on both ears. She has an already-developed Individualized Education Program in place. Because of her disability, Marsha is considered to be a visual learner.

The guidance counselor has explained to you that Marsha’s family is facing some economic challenges and that she receives free breakfast and lunch. Her parents have also shared with the counselor that she is very self-conscious about her economic status and is often embarrassed about receiving free food, in addition to feeling different because of her special needs.

Write a two-paragraph essay about the steps you will take to support Marsha’s transition to a new school, as well as how you will work to make her feel welcome. Be sure to include information on how you can address her visual learning needs. Apply the strategies that are presented in this chapter and refer to them in your essay.

Consider the following questions while composing your response to the essay prompt.

Does your response:

have a thesis statement?
use references to the text in support of your statements?
use concepts from the chapter to explain solutions?
assess the value of theories and concepts presented in the reading?
apply the standards covered in the chapter?

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