Students will write a paper on a current local (San Bernardino or Riverside counties) economic development. You may identify a case as reported from a city’s website, local newspapers, or other quality source. Remember, a low-quality source, or insufficient information from your sources, will affect the quality of your grade for this assignment. The Economic Development project cannot have been completed.

Your case study should be approximately 500-750 words long. In your case study paper, you should briefly describe the following:

Introduction to the economic development case

Identify the role government played

Identify the role of the public, if any

Economic impact to the community – What is the economic impact to the community? How will it benefit or not benefit the community?

Analysis – What is your analysis of the project?

Conclusion – Where is the project currently?


Case studies will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Content: Paper should provide accurate and complete description of case, provide citation to sources for all facts and examples.

Organization: Paper is presented in logical and structured sequence.

Analysis: Paper provides excellent analysis of role of government and economic impact of the case supported by information provided.

Quality of Writing: Writing is clear, uses proper grammar and syntax

Length: Paper is between 750 and 1000 words.

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Ace Tutors
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