1. INSTRUCTION SHEET for Assignment 2–with key details:  HIS105_Assignment 2_Instructions_Dr_Stansbury.docx   
  2. WRITING GUIDE for Assignment 2HIS105_Writing_Guide_Assmt_2.docx   (tip:  print this out)
  3. SOURCES AND TIPS sheet for Assignment 2:  Sources and Tips for Assignment 2_HIS105.docx 

Assignment 2: Economic Approaches in the Age of Industrialization (1870-1940)

Due Week 6 and worth 120 points

In Assignment 2, we ask you to choose one of two topic choices listed below on the subject of economic change and innovation in the period of the late 1800s and early 1900s, then use the Writing Guide provided in Blackboard to write a paper on the subject. One topic is on the individual level of pioneering entrepreneurs of the period, who developed distinctive strategies for the production and marketing of very different parts types of products. The other topic is on the macro level, exploring successful and unsuccessful government attempts to shape and regulate the changing industrial economy of the period.

As you prepare and brainstorm your paper, first read and review what our Schultz textbook covers on the subject. Then, consider the other sources listed with each topic below. It is important that you review these sources carefully because you must use a minimum of three sources (from the list below) to write your paper.

Be sure to review the other help (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the “Strayer Writing Standards” tab on the course menu.

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Innovative Entrepreneurs – Walker and Ford

Here you will focus on the business approaches of Madame C. J. Walker and Henry Ford. Both developed innovative and successful approaches in a time of rapid economic change. You will compare them in the way they started their respective businesses and the key innovative features that made each successful. One might find virtues, problems, and successes associated with both. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 396-7 (only Ford is discussed in our textbook). For Madam C. J. Walker (1867-1919), see https://www.pbs.org/wnet/african-americans-many-rivers-to-cross/history/100-amazing-facts/madam-walker-the-first-black-american-woman-to-be-a-self-made-millionaire/. For Henry Ford, see https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/henry-ford.

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