ECON6001 Economic Principles
Assessment Assessment 3 – Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words
Learning Outcomes a) Analyse, individually and in teams, the role of fundamental micro- and macroeconomic principles in business decision-making.
b) Analyse the impact of industry competition on individual businesses.
c) Analyse, from an economic and ethical perspective, business behaviours in a national and global context.
d) Analyse the impact of monopolies and monopolistic competition within an industry.
e) Write a word essay – Evaluate the impact on industry of manipulations of economic factors by the public sector.
f) Communicate complex economic concepts to business professionals.
Submission By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of week 5
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 100 marks
This written assignment will cover content from modules 1 and 2 (demand and supply and the implication of elasticity).
In the 1970s, members of OPEC (Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) decided to raise the world price of oil in order to increase their incomes. These countries accomplished this by jointly reducing the amount of oil they supplied.
From 1973 to 1974, the price of oil (adjusted for overall inflation) rose more than 50%. By 1990, the price of oil (adjusted for overall inflation) was back to where it was in 1970.
To answer the given question, research on the trend for prices of oil from 1970 – 1990. Apply the concept of demand, supply and elasticity to analyse the trend. Draw graphs and explain them. (This
should be done in a 1000 word report).
Why did OPEC fail to keep the price of oil high?
Submission Instructions:
· Include a cover sheet that contains your subject name, full name and student ID number.
· Clearly indicate question number and part thereof for each of your answers.
· Submit as a Word document only. Do not submit a pdf.
· When inserting diagrams such as a graph the following are acceptable:
o neatly hand–drawn diagrams inserted into the document as a picture
o diagrams copied from a text book or other source as long as the source is correctly attributed (Wikipedia and Investopedia not acceptable sources)
o diagrams drawn using a drawing package that produces images acceptable to Word
· Use the APA 6th Edition Referencing style.
· Reference list, appendices and calculations are not included in word count.
Learning Rubric: Assessment 3
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Unacceptable) Pass
(Functional) Credit
(Proficient) Distinction
(Advanced) High Distinction
Knowledge and
understanding of economic
60 Limited understanding of
required concepts and
Key components of the
assignment are not
addressed. Knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline.
Resembles a recall or
summary of key ideas.
Often conflates/confuses
assertion of personal
opinion with information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course
materials. Thorough knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline/s. Supports
personal opinion and
information substantiated
by evidence from the
research/course materials.
Demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant
concepts. Highly developed
understanding of the field
or discipline/s.
Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
research/course materials
and extended reading.
Well demonstrated
capacity to explain and
apply relevant concepts. A sophisticated
understanding of the field
or discipline/s.
Systematically and critically
discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
research/course materials
and extended reading.
Mastery of concepts and
application to new
situations/further learning.
Analysis and application
with synthesis of new
knowledge related to
economic concepts
20 Limited synthesis and
ons based upon analysis. Demonstrated analysis and
synthesis of new
knowledge with
Shows the ability to
interpret relevant
information and literature. Well-developed analysis
and synthesis with
application of
recommendations linked to
analysis/synthesis. Thoroughly developed and
creative analysis and
synthesis with application
of pretested models and/or
independently developed
models and justified
recommendations linked to
analysis/synthesis. Highly sophisticated and
creative analysis, synthesis
of new with existing
Strong application by way
of pretested models and/or
independently developed
models. Recommendations
are clearly justified based
on the analysis/synthesis.
Applying knowledge to new
situations/other cases.
Use of academic and
discipline conventions and
sources of evidence
20 Poorly written with errors
in spelling, grammar.
Demonstrates inconsistent
use of good quality,
credible and relevant Written according to
academic genre (e.g. with
introduction, conclusion or
summary) and has accurate
spelling, grammar, Well written and adheres to
the academic genre (e.g.
with introduction,
conclusion or summary).
Demonstrates consistent Very well written and
adheres to the academic
Consistently demonstrates
expert use of good quality, Expertly written and
adheres to the academic
Demonstrates expert use of
high quality, credible and
ECON6001_Assessment Brief 3 Page 3 of 4
research sources to support sentence and paragraph use of high quality, credible credible and relevant relevant research sources
and develop ideas. construction. and relevant research research sources to support to support and develop
There are mistakes in using Demonstrates consistent sources to support and and develop appropriate arguments and position
the APA 6th Edition use of credible and relevant develop ideas. arguments and statements. statements. Shows
Referencing style. research sources to support There are no mistakes in Shows evidence of reading extensive evidence of
and develop ideas, but using the APA 6th Edition beyond the key reading reading beyond the key
these is not always explicit Referencing style. There are no mistakes in reading There are no
or well developed. using the APA 6th Edition mistakes in using the APA
There are no mistakes in
using the APA 6th Edition Referencing style. 6th Edition Referencing
Referencing style.
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