DUE DATE: Nov. 27th 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online
ECON 2187
FALL 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online
Before beginning on your assignment please SUBMIT A PROPOSAL to your instructor to
ensure that the content is applicable to this course. A topic and a BRIEF outline of your plan
will suffice. Outline DEADLINE NOVEMBER 6th 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online. The assignment will not be
received without a proposal!!!
There are two basic fundamental principles behind the assignment. The first is to be
able to conduct research in Public Policy. The task of finding information will familiarize you with the various sources of information that are available. The key to a successful research project is to be able to formulate a “Research Question”. The Research Question is what you are attempting to prove or disprove. Modern research should be falsifiable. This means that you should be able to disprove certain theories or statements. It is often difficult to be able to actually prove a hypothesis. Generally you state that you can not prove that it is wrong. (Review hypothesis testing from intro econometrics ).
The second principle is your ability to understand the relevant theory that pertains to
your research. The text book should be your first starting point. From there you should
move to supplemental sources such as academic journals, government publications, newspapers etc. The greater your understanding of the relevant issues the more effective your research will be.
You will have a choice of two types of essay
1. A research topic as outlined in the above paragraph.
2. The other type of essay you could produce is a “narrative” essay where you outline the relevant research others have done.
If you have any questions about the assignment or the goals of the assignment please
talk to your instructor as soon as possible.
The finished paper should include the following:
The purpose of the paper (research question)
The relevant theories
Your research methodology
Your research conclusions and analysis
Appendix with data and any statistical work
The paper should be no less than 2500 words (not counting data and
bibliography). Grammar, punctuation and writing style will
count towards 20% of the final paper grade!! ! !! !
You must choose a topic that relates to government intervention/regulation/interaction with business. It must be a Canadian topic. For example
Minimum Wage Ontario. Cannabis Retail. LCBO. Pipelines. Marketing Boards. Trade Agreements. Health and Safety. Education. Mortgage Rules. Zoning bylaws.
The above is by no means an exhaustive of possible topics.