To prepare for this assignment,  

I need help writing my essay – research paper use the provided Template to create a 10 to 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation, include the following:

  • Create a slide with the following information for EACH of your 5 chosen artifacts (one for NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards 1a, 1b, 1c and two standards of your choice),
    • Match the artifact to its corresponding NAEYC Standard
    • Explain how the artifact addresses the standard
    • Provide a rationale for how the artifact demonstrates your mastery and proficiency of the standard.
    • Determine how this artifact will aide you in fostering student learning.
    • Explain how this artifact serves to demonstrate that domains of development are interrelated.
    • Provide a justification for how this artifact might influence your current or future teaching and self-learning.
    • Elaborate in the notes section on any additional information necessary to explain or show mastery of the standards
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Ace Tutors
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