TOPIC: Psych Assignent

SUBJECT: Psychology

TYPE: Essay

Each student is required to participate in an experience related to an ethnic or racial group and write a short paper (following the formatting listed in the ethnic experience rubric above) and detailing this experience and his/her reaction to it. Listed below are some possible ethnic experiences. Additional possibilities may be available during the semester. Some of these you may discover yourself while the instructor will announce to others. This must be something you do during this semester-i.e.; previous experience may not be used for this project. A proof of the experience should be attached with every paper. Failure to attach such proof will result in a deduction of 10 points. Examples of proof include; a signed and dated statement from someone you interviewed, a program from an event, a cash register receipt with date marketing, to also include photos. Possible ethnic experiences: Visit a church service or some religious institution or synagogue that is significantly different from your own faith or a service that includes a distinctly different racial or ethnic group from that of your own. Answer the following questions: Describe the experience and why you chose it. What are some of their distinctive beliefs and practices? What similarities did you notice between the practice of your faith and the church or institution visited? What were the differences? What was your perception of how you were received by the congregation? (Welcome or ignored? As part of the “in-group” or as a stranger?) What was your overall personal reaction? Would you want to attend this church/institution again? Why or Why not? Conduct a face to face in-depth interview of an adult member of a cultural group to which you are not a member. Some questions to guide you in your interview (feel free to create your own questions): What is your history? Your home of origin? Why did you/your family settle in ______? What are some of the differences your cultural group has from the greater American culture in areas such as: Gender roles and power structure in your family; Overall values; Religious or Spiritual beliefs; Child rearing and discipline; Dress; Concept of time; Communication-personal space, gestures, eye contact, body language etc.; Unusual customs, beliefs, or practices that might be misinterpreted? Ask him/her to share how he/she has been affected by his/her status as a member of this cultural group. Ask the individual to share both positive and negative effects. Conclude with a paragraph containing your personal reaction. Attend a special ceremony, festival, or religious activity of a minority or ethnic group, or visit a community (such as the Amish). PLEASE HAVE THIS APPROVED IN ADVANCE! Then answer the following questions: Describe the event or visit; discuss what you learned about this group of people, by this experience…. Values, customs, belief system etc. (See Above); what cultural differences were evidenced in this situation? Cite examples and discuss your personal reaction. OTHER ETHNIC EXPERIENCE ALTERNATIVES MAY BE CHOSEN BUT MUST BE APPROVED BY THE INSTRUCTOR BEFORE THE EXPERIENCE. FAILURE TO SEEK PRIOR APPROVAL TO AN EXPERIENCE WILL RESULT IN THE PAPER BEING RETURNED TO THE STUDENT AND THE STUDENT BEING ASKED TO RE-DO THE EXPERIENCE!!

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Research Helper
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