There are two parts to this assignment: A Capstone exam and a comprehensive Capstone project. The results of the Capstone exam will be submitted to the Individual Project area for Unit 2. The activities related to the Capstone project will be submitted in a draft to the Group area.
Part 1: Capstone Exam – Submit to the Unit 2 IP Area
This exam assignment may only be completed through the end of Unit 4. It will not be accepted late during Unit 5. This exam may only be completed on a computer running a Windows operating system. It will not run on non-Windows operating systems.
Complete the following:
You will need to download the ICCP Exam files from the Learning Materials section. The AIU ICCP flyer, also found in the Learning Materials section, provides an overview of the exam requirements, background, summary of instructions, and grading rubrics. The exam files must be downloaded to complete your exam with the proctor.
According to the AIU ICCP flyer, you will need to arrange for a proctor. Visit this Web site, and complete the “To get started, just follow these simple steps” and “Pre-Exam Checklist” sections. You must schedule the proctoring service at least 72 hours before the desired start time for the exam. These steps must be completed prior to your scheduled exam time. Completing these steps will help avoid potential technical issues at the time of the exam.
You will need to extract the files from the exam zip file you download from the Learning Materials section. You need to open the folder on your computer screen when the exam starts. The online proctor will access your screen and start the exam by running the exam application and inputting a password. The files must be extracted from the Exam Files zip file or the exam will not run and save.
Refer to the Exam Instructions found in the Learning Materials section to complete the exam.
After the exam is completed, you will see 2 exam result files (.mrkx) and two exam score files (.pdf) generated in the same folder that you created when you extracted the exam files.
Option 1: Upload these four files separately to the Unit 2 IP Submission area.
Option 2: Add the two .mrkx files and the two .pdf files to a compressed folder (.zip file).
Upload the zip file containing your four files to the Unit 2 IP Submission area.
Once your 4 required files are uploaded by you, they will be reviewed. Your grade is based on the grading rubric. Grades will be received at the end of Units 2, 3, and 4; therefore, all exam grades will be posted once the grades have been received.
Note: You need to submit the 2 .mrkx files and 2 .pdf files for this assignment, or your grade will be a zero. This information must be submitted to the Unit 2 Individual Project Submission area.
Grading Rubric
If you do not complete the exam or do not submit the required .mrkx files and .pdf files, you will receive 0 points.
If your average score on the two exam parts is less than 30, your score will be (Average score + 40).
If your average score on the two exam parts is 30 to less than 50, your score will be (Average score + 45).
If your average score on the two exams is Practitioner level (50% to less than 70%), your score will be (Average score + 50).
If your average score on the two exams is Master level (70% or higher), your score will be 125 points.
Part 2: Capstone Project – Informational
This part of the assignment is not for grading this week. This part of the assignment is to contribute to the Capstone project and also to show the instructor that progress is being made on the Capstone project.
Continue using the template that was modified in Unit 1. Submit your Capstone project work to the Group Submission area. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the word “DRAFT” in the document title. Your second draft will then be available to share with your team. The second draft will also be available for your instructor to review team progress.
Use the company profile and scenario found here as the subject of your Systems Implementation Plan.
Team Project
New Requirements
Designing a network involves data, voice, and power considerations. Creating a well-integrated social relationship platform involves interoperability with other technologies, like customer relationship management (CRM). Assume you are designing a network infrastructure for Verbania, Inc. The company requires an efficient network that carries data, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and Power over Ethernet (PoE). It also requires the effective use of a CRM system to pull customers’ social media data for review and analysis to improve user experience and generate profits.
Capstone Project Activity – Unit 2
The project team must analyze the New Requirements. This section will specify what the company will need in the area of solution elements, such as networking, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and Power over Ethernet (PoE). Specifically, this section will answer the following questions (at a minimum):
Which type of network topology would you recommend for the corporate backbone and the wired and wireless connections? Why do you think this would be the best choice?
Which type of cabling would you recommend? Why do you think this would be the best choice?
How will the network infrastructure accommodate remote access?
What solution would you propose to integrate the social media site with a CRM solution?
What security considerations are involved?
Collaborate and work with the network specialist on the team. Be sure to capture and document the decisions made in the appropriate section of the Capstone project document.
Prepare 6–8 pages of content addressing the team’s system analysis of requirements defined in Section One. Insert content into the template document under Section Two.
Center for Computing Education Research. (n.d.). IS2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer exam. Retrieved from – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer_Exam.php
ProctorU. (n.d.). How online proctoring works. Retrieved from