Dissemination of EBP and Research in Nursing
Dissemination of evidence-based practice and research involves the passage of knowledge to a particular group of clinical professionals in healthcare. Dissemination focuses on increasing and promoting the spread the evidence-based information with the objective of enhancing better and more informed applications during practice.
There are several internal and external methods used to disseminate evidence-based research. The technique employed to disseminate information highly depends on the nature of information, the target audience, and the effectiveness of the method. An effective dissemination method is one that positively engages the target audience, promotes awareness and in-depth understanding, and also one that motivates the target audience to implement and put the knowledge into practice. In healthcare, dissemination of information is mainly concerned with the specificity of the evidence or results relating to specific context within the system and the consequences and outcomes of implementing the changes. This may include the effects on various significant aspects of health care such as policy, patient outcomes, quality of care, among other factors.
One commonly used internal method used to disseminate evidence-based practice involves the use of hospital boards. Internal dissemination methods target a relatively small audience, usually the employees of a hospital. This includes people like nurses, physicians, and other professionals involved in delivering health care within the facility. The best method of Disseminating EBP to the staff of the hospital can include face to face communication. This approach facilitates interaction and promotes instant feedback, particularly during question and answer sessions.
When disseminating the EBP to a bigger audience, external methods are employed. The main external technique used involves presentations in conferences of professional organizations such as the American Nurses Association. Such platforms are ideal in facilitating the dissemination of information to a broader audience of nurses. Face to face method is also reliable in conveying information since it provides a platform where people can interact, discuss, and consult in real-time regarding the matter at hand.
The Language used in relaying the information also varies. Internal methods involve a smaller audience, usually close staff members, and therefore, communication is likely to be less formal and more official when presenting at a conference.
Effective presentation of evidence-based results has proved very helpful in facilitating the sharing of knowledge and information within the nursing community. This has and continues to influence safe and informed nursing practices that encourage quality care delivery, which is dedicated to promoting and improving the patient’s outcome.
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