What are the top-ranked factors contributing to acquisition success? According to well-
known surveys and reports
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion
Four factors contribute to acquisition success. The first ranking factor is

effective communication, which is vital for cross-border acquisition of employees that is at 71

percent for responding firms. This helps due to employees coming from different countries

having a misunderstanding of the language and not being used to the work environment around

them (Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer ,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 297). There are two additional objectives that are

important in any hiring of an employee. First communication is intended to lower anxiety and

stress that every new employee deals with. Second, it helps provide management with feedback

ranking factor is the retention of key talent, which is 76 percent of firms responded (Reiche,

Harzing & Tenzer, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 293). The organization wants to know who exactly the key

employees are so they are aware of who they need to keep happy so the organization can grow

(Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer ,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 299). There are three things to help keep the retention of

employees. First effective and open communication is the key to keeping employees wanting to

stay within the organization. Second financial incentives such as stock options, bonuses, and a

pay increase. Lastly, having a relationship with senior management also helps employees stay

because they feel that their work matters for the organization ((Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers,

p. 299). The third-ranking factor that contribute to the acquisition success is executive retention

which has 67 percent of responding firms (Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 294). Executive

retention is the top employees of an organization that stays within the company for a long time to

manage the lower-ranked employees and the organization. They are responsible for directing,

planning and coordinating activities for the employees in the organization to meet specific goals

in the organization. So, having good executives in an organization is vital for growth. The last

ranking factor that contributes to the acquisition success is culture integration which has 51

percent of responding firms (Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer ,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 294). Culture integration is

when someone from different culture goes into another culture to learns what that practices and

beliefs are to adapt to their home country (Muller, 2021). Having a strong and

committed leadership that stays with the good and bad times is vital for the successful integration

of cultures (Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer ,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 300). There are three things the leadership needs

to have a thriving culture integration, and that is fundamental to being an effective

leader such as a clear vision, sense of urgency, and practical and robust communication (Reiche,

Harzing & Tenzer ,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 300).
In conclusion, these are all effective and vital ways to have success when having an

acquisition to your company. There are two that stand out the most to me, which is effective

communication and retention of key talent. Effective communication is vital in any

relationship because everything that is needed to be clear so that everyone is aware of what is

going on, and no one is sidetracked. For example, at my company Cintas every time I am done

with a stop, during my route, I will explain to the managers what I have done for them that day

while I was in their business which helps our company keep having them as customers.

Retention of key talent is vital for our company due to the demand and stress that comes with our

position. So having key employees stay is important because these are the employees that help

the company grow, and senior management usually do this by having good financial incentives

and strong communication with lower-ranked employees.


Muller, Sanan. “Cultural Integration: Definition, Examples, and Benefits.” Germany Daily, 14 Dec. 2021, https://germanydaily.de/culture/cultural-integration/.

Reiche, Sebastian, Harzing, Anne-Wil & Tenzer Helene. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). “International Human Resource
Management” SAGE. 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers


What are the most important factors influencing acquisition success? According to widely disseminated studies and reports

Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion

Four factors contribute to acquisition success. The first ranking factor is

effective communication, which is vital for cross-border acquisition of employees that is at 71

percent for responding firms. This helps due to employees coming from different countries

having a misunderstanding of the language and not being used to the work environment around

them (Reiche, Harzing & Tenzer ,2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, p. 297). There are two additional objectives that are

important in any hiring of an employee. First communication is intended to lower anxiety and

stress that every new employee deals with. Second, it helps provide management with feedback

ranking factor is the retention of key talent, which is 76 percent

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