WEEK 10 DISCUSSION – “Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace” Please respond to the following:
Flora Tucker, a Hispanic female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position. Based on this scenario, argue whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII. Explain when an employer can use an Aptitude and/or other tests and how tests are validated.
What legislation, besides Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, in the Chapter reading regarding anti-discrimination protection is the most important and the most influential of the 21st Century and why?
What are the two forms of sexual harassment discrimination and provide an example of each. If your boss liked to hug employees in the morning for a job well done, is that sexual harassment? Why or why not?
Looking back on the topics covered in this course, which do you see as being most relevant to your current job or the job you’re seeking to obtain once you’ve earned your degree?
In what ways has this course changed the way that you think about and make decisions about legal or ethical issues?
Week 6 Discussion – “Monopolies” – Please respond to the following:
In today’s economy, there are a wide number of powerful companies who in all appearances control massive segments of different markets. Using the Internet, identify one example within the last year of a large company that has (or might be) engaged in anticompetitive behavior and what type. Next, suggest three ways that this behavior could be viewed as either a Horizontal or Vertical restraint of trade. Be sure to explain and define these terms and provide support for your response – please do not post about Amazon, Google, Surescript or Facebook. Try to pick a case identified on the FTC website/anti-trust or Nexus-Uni for a case within the last year.
Identify and explain the different forms of restraint of trade in your example and, what are some of the defenses? Support your answer.