nderstanding how to respond and lead appropriately in situations that affect an organization can be challenging. There is no “one size fits all” solution to the challenges of social work practice. In addition, not all leaders are alike. Individuals’ personalities, previous experiences, skills, and knowledge influence their leadership styles.
In order for you to determine the best strategy for leading a group in a specific situation, you need to not only assess the situation, but also consider how your leadership style can influence the desired outcome.
For this Discussion, you create and upload a video in which you introduce yourself and discuss your leadership role and your personal leadership style. Think of your introduction as your first step in defining your leadership style as you prepare for your leadership assessment in the Final Project due in Week 10.
By Day 4
Post a 2- to 3-minute introductory video. Complete the following in your video:

Introduce yourself.
Explain your previous leadership experience and skills (both personally and professionally).
Describe an individual who might serve as an inspiration for you in a future leadership role. Explain how this example might influence you.
Evaluate what style of leadership seems to be a good fit for you as you prepare for a leadership role in social work, and why.

Required Readings
Northouse, P. G. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
Chapter 3, “Engaging Strengths” (pp. 47-75)
Chapter 4, “Understanding Philosophy and Styles” (pp. 77-96)
Chapter 5, “Attending to Tasks and Relationships” (pp. 99-114)
Required Media
Kayal, R. (Producer). (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Raymond Kayal, Ph.D. in management [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.
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Walden Social Change: Raymond Kayal, PhD Program Transcript RAYMOND KAYAL SR: Amid a cloud of despair, the homeless population is on  the rise.  DR. PAUL AHR: We have consistently reminded our employees that this is not  an agency. This is a ministry.  RAYMOND KAYAL SR: Dr. Paul Ahr, president and chief executive officer of the  Camillus House, a faith-based nonprofit organization that serves the homeless and poor.  DR. PAUL AHR: That undeniable optimism that if we just do the right thing by  people who have either wronged or been wronged, that we can turn that all  around.  RAYMOND KAYAL SR: As the homeless population continues to grow, scenes like this are becoming all too familiar, and the call for change is getting louder.  DEIRISH MOSS: I think every community is judged by not just the towering  skyscrapers and the beauty of the city, but it’s also judged by how that particular city treats the least of its people.  RAYMOND KAYAL SR: Thanks to Walden University, the vision for change  among the most challenging circumstances is stronger than ever, and dignity and  respect are given to those who might not otherwise have a second chance.  FEMALE SPEAKER: If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I would be here.  RAYMOND KAYAL SR: As a board member of a nonprofit organization that  serves the homeless, I am now able to promote Walden’s belief that every  individual has the capacity to make a difference in someone else’s life, even  those never imagined. Just ask Mark, who was once homeless and destitute  himself.  MARK: When you fall asleep out in the street, you never know what’s surrounding you. If you’re by yourself, anybody could come up to you and do  anything they want to you. So you just have to pray, and hopefully you wake up  the next morning.  RAYMOND KAYAL SR: As I near the final step in my doctoral program, the tools I’ve learned at Walden University are immeasurable. Through the rigors of  research and in the many writing requirements, I am now able to apply added  value to social service

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