To keep the momentum going, I’d like you to complete two more group discussions at our meetings scheduled for this week. You can review these discussion topics in the attachment below. It is required that you respond to both of these topics as well.

As you discuss these topics, be sure you understand the following concepts related to data analytics:working with data,tracking and collecting data,key elements of web analytics, segmentation in web analytics
 Also for this week, please complete the excellent Google Analytics for beginners tutorial that is available free online. I’m providing step-by-step access instructions for the tutorial in the attachments below (see How to Access Google Analytics for Beginners Tutorial).

To get some hands-on practice from what you learned in the tutorial, activate the Google Analytics demo account when you are done.

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Topics: 

Topic 3

There are three key elements to be considered in any web analytics study like the kind MCS is doing for CompanyOne. These elements are (1) behavior, (2) outcomes, and (3) user experience. A powerful technique to gauge user behavior is segmentation. Explain the concept of segmentation in relation to web analytics. Some common ways of segmenting your site visitors are by new users, returning users, paid search traffic, nonpaid search traffic, direct traffic, referral source, landing page, browser, and mobile traffic, among hundreds of possible options. Recommend any five ways of segmentation to CompanyOne, including some that are not listed here, and discuss the relative merits of each.

Topic 4

In Google Analytics (GA), a funnel is a navigation path (series of web pages) that you expect CompanyOne’s online customers to follow in order to achieve the business’s goals for their website. A funnel is made up of a goal page (or pages) and one or more funnel pages (also known as the funnel steps). CompanyOne needs to choose either the Goal Flow Report or the Funnel Visualization Report in Google Analytics. They come to you for advice. What questions will you ask in order to arrive at your recommendation for CompanyOne? Explain your reasoning.


The past few weeks have flown by. You have just completed the GA tutorial when you receive a memo from Ying (attached) marked CONFIDENTIAL. You scan the memo to find a list of client questions that have been assigned to you. You are expected to use Google Analytics to answer the 10 questions in the memo by the end of Week 7. The Google Analytics demo account will give you access to data from the Google Merchandise Store, which in this project represents CompanyOne’s data.

Review these instructions for How to Activate the Google Analytics Demo Account.

Submit your answers to each of the ten questions in the dropbox located in the final step of this project. Use this data analysis template to record your answers and their accompanying screenshots.

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Ace Tutors
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