SW 408
Statistical Application
Directions: Students will review and analyze a peer reviewed journal article.
Complete each section, at least one paragraph per section and summarize in your
own words. Students may refer to their class notes or the textbook for clarity on
terminologies. *Make complete sentences, use appropriate grammar,
appropriate spelling, etc.
1. Title of Article:
2. Homework help – Summary (introduction, background about the article
what is the article about, purpose, etc.):
3. Identify the hypothesis (if there is not one, formulate one):
4. Method (procedures, participates involved, techniques,
instruments, way of collecting/analyzing the data, etc.):
5. Results (findings, what happened, outcome, achievement
or failure, etc.)
6. Conclusion (overview of the article, considering all the
facts-was the hypothesis true or false-explain, etc.):


SW 408 Statistical Analysis
Students will read and analyze a peer-reviewed journal article.
Complete each section, at least one paragraph per section and summarize in your own words. Students may refer to their class notes or the textbook for clarity on terminologies. * Make complete sentences, use appropriate grammar, appropriate spelling, etc.
1. Title of Article:
2. Homework help – Summary (introduction, background about the article what is the article about, purpose, etc.):
3. Identify the hypothesis (if there is not one, formulate one):
4. Method (procedures, participates involved, techniques, instruments, way of collecting/analyzing the data, etc.):
5. Results (findings, what happened, outcome, achievement or failure, etc.)
6. Conclusion (overview of the article, considering all the facts-was the hypothesis true or false-explain, etc.):

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