Question description
Each Park Area has at least one user-facing application, as it were, whether that’s for park visitors, employees, the rich folks funding the park, or possibly the dinosaurs (the velociraptors are clever girls, after all 🙂 You need to prototype that user-facing application, using paper, a whiteboard, or a tool of your choice, and present images (still or video) of that. If you are a programmer and want to whip up a code-based prototype (Web site, mobile app, standalone .exe, etc.), you can certainly do that, as well, for extra credit. Next, enlist a few friends/relatives/coworkers, explain to them the project you’re working on, and have them pretend to be various end-user stakeholders so they can give feedback about how your prototype would work for them, e.g. “You’re a seven-year-old visitor who wants to access the display on the gyrosphere.” Record this as though you were actually testing on real end-user stakeholders for your Park Area.Last, user experience (UX) is key in a high-end environment such as the Dinosaur Theme Park. Visitors are presumably paying a lot of money and want to not feel stupid in the face of any technology they interact with, as well as needing it to work right the first time, or be forgiving if they make a mistake. Employees are happier and more productive when their user experience with technology does not add time and work to the process. If you are working with the velociraptors you want their experience with technology to help them do their best. You can also expect that some of your visitors, and possibly some employees and other stakeholders will have a range of disabilities, from visual and hearing disabilities to physical and non-apparent/invisible (e.g. dyslexia, autism, epilepsy, PTSD, chronic pain or illness) disabilities, so it’s important to consider how your IT-related functions will accommodate those.What you will be turning in for Task 5, as one big document:Image(s) or video of at least one prototype for a user-facing application for your Park Area.A report of the testing of your end-user stakeholders on the prototype (if you can’t find friends/relatives/coworkers to play along, fake this as best you can).A report of at least 250 words on how you plan to handle user experience (UX) for the IT-related aspects of your Park Area, including accessibility for disabled stakeholders.***Make sure you specify on any documents you turn in what your Park Area is. ***