Digital Professional Portfolio- word count 2500 (+/- 10%) written in 1st person
Page 1: Set up a biography page word count 800 (+/-10%)
Using the provided Digital Professional Portfolio, establish a Biography page that includes a statement about your responsibilities as an educator and the ethical and socio-cultural values that re part of your teacher identity. You need to explain how you intend to demonstrate the meeting of student safety and other associated ethical and legal requirements, particularly those relating to the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT. You need to include your personal philosophy of teaching- briefly discuss what you believe is the role of a teacher and students, why you want to teach, what your students can expect from you and finally what you think your professional learning needs are at this stage of your undergraduate degree.
Page 2: Relevant Clearances required for Teaching word count 200 (+/-10%)
Create a page for your clearances; give it an appropriate title. If you have obtained some of your clearances (highly recommended) insert them in your Digital Professional Portfolio. If you have not obtained all clearances outline what is needed. Explain the clearances you need to work as a teacher in your state. Briefly outline why these clearances are necessary.
Page 3: Plan for Reflecting on and Documenting Evidence against the Graduate Teacher Standards (AITSL)
word Count 500 (+/- 10%)
Choose three of the Standards and upload one example of evidence for each to demonstrate the Standards you have selected. Provide a rationale for your selection of artefacts and explain how they demonstrate the standards. You need to explain why you have chosen each artefact and how it connects to the graduate standards you have selected.
Page 4: Taking action word count 1000 (+/- 10%)
Where you believe you may have difficulty locating artefacts for at least three of the Standards you will need to briefly explain your potential need for development, how and where will you access the assistance you need in order to work towards the attainment of the skills and knowledge required to meet the standard. You need to access the Department of Education website and other training providers/ reading material to locate available professional development in ‘real time’. When is the training on offer? What is the duration of the available workshops/modules? Where is the PD held? Think of this an your own brief action plan in order to further develop your abilities as an early career teacher.
Add these four pages into a collection and submit a single Secret URL for that collection to be assessed. You will also need to create .zip archive of this collection to submit as well. Please see the instruction provided on how to complete these steps in the ‘How to Section’ of the Digital Professional Portfolio
Annotations or your rationales for Part 3 of this assessment should help you:
• identify and explain how/why the evidence meets a specific standard descriptor or focus area, for example, 6.2
• provide context for the evidence in order to situate the work such as, what, why or when
• articulate your learning achievements or the learning achievements of students (more relevant to artefacts collected from pracs) relevant to specific standard descriptors.
Here are some examples of how to write a rationale or annotation that reflects on how an artefact against a particular AITSL Standard::
Rationales or Annotations for artefacts selected for particular AITSL Standards in DPP
• Provide some context for the artefact • Focus on critical reflection and go beyond description only
AITSL Standard 1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
This artefact is an activity I planned for a small group of EAL students in year 4 for an assessment in my first-year literacy unit. Scaffolding underpins this lesson plan in the form of controlled, guided and independent support to provide the students with the assistance needed to set them up for success. In order to pitch this lesson at a level achievable for a group in the ‘real world’, I will access the EAL learning progression in ACARA. This is something I need further experience using, but it will help with identifying individual student’s learning needs when using this lesson in practice. I will modify the learning outcomes to meet the learning needs of the group and simultaneously challenge each student. I will deliver the lesson through the three modes of Oral Interaction, Reading and Responding and Writing, ultimately providing opportunities for students to talk, listen, read and write. This also provides evidence of meeting Standard 2.5.
AITSL Standard 1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
This artefact is an excerpt from an essay I completed in the unit …………. which I studied in SP1 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers. It demonstrates I have knowledge of the physical, social and intellectual development of learners. I intend to use this knowledge in my teaching practice. For example, if I encounter a student in one of my classes who is identified as having poor social skills, during group work activities I will place that student in a group with a class member who can model appropriate social skills for them. During a humanities lesson, to cater for varying abilities, I will provide students with explicit vocabulary teaching, including visuals for EAL learners, to help all students understand concepts in a topic. This also links to standard 2.5 know literacy strategies. I will monitor students’ understanding by providing feedback while they are working on tasks. This will help me note students’ various stages of intellectual development. When extending a student, more sophisticated vocabulary and tasks that involve higher order thinking skills will be used. This links in with Vygotsky’s Zone of proximal development as explored in my artefact. An area I would like to explore further is my understanding of how intellectual development might be linked to early exposure to literature in home settings. I also need to collect evidence to demonstrate my understanding of students’ physical development for Standard 1.1
AITSL Standard 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
In December 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online I volunteered at the Mathematical Association of Victoria annual mathematics conference. This allowed me to attend professional development sessions where I was able to gain ideas and resources to improve classroom practice in the Learning Area of Mathematics. I was also able to meet like-minded mathematics teachers and connect with some of these people on Twitter where ideas can be continually shared. It was both shocking and interesting to learn that one fifth of learners in most maths classrooms will have some anxiety towards learning mathematics. Even more surprising is that most maths anxiety is unrelated to student ability and can be minimised through teaching strategies. I will endeavour to seek out various strategies to help student enjoy mathematics and develop a positive attitude towards it. I like the idea of using technology to help motivate students and will use credible programs like……… in my classroom. Some pictures from the conference are shown below. I intend to attend the conference
The Evolution of U.S. Global Engagement/df1r
The United States and Global Engagement: A Historical and Personal Analysis [Your Name] [Date] The engagement of the United States with the world has taken various forms throughout history, encompassing political, economic, and military interactions. From early diplomatic efforts to contemporary international relations, these engagements have shaped global dynamics in significant ways. One crucial aspect […]