Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed food, there have been problems with digestion. Consider a single digestive disease and discuss how it effects one of those areas of digestion or absorption and also the nutrition therapy related to it. For example, our book highlights celiac disease with the goal of a gluten free diet. An additional resource to help you answer this question is here: https://go.mygihealth.io/education
· Discuss the causes and symptoms of your chosen disorder and possible treatment options.
· Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include information on the role of diet in mitigating or treating symptoms of the disorder.
· Cite at least two sources in your response.
Ideas of possible diseases to consider include:
· celiac disease
· cystic fibrosis
· cholecystectomy
· chronic constipation
· colorectal cancer
· diabetes mellitus (type 1 and/or type 2 and/or gestational diabetes)
· diverticular disease (diverticulitis and/or diverticulosis)
· eosinophilic esophagitis
· lactose intolerance
· gastroesophageal reflux disease
· gluten sensitivity (if you consider this please review the powerpoint here and the articles that are cited http://www.naspghan.org/files/documents/pdfs/annual-meeting/2013/A.%20Fasano.pdf)
· Inflammatory bowel diseases (crohn’s disease and/or ulcerative colitits)
· Irritable bowel syndrome
· nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD/NASH)
· necrotizing entercolitis
· pancreatitis
· small Intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
· sucrase-isomaltase deficiency

Use only the provided resource listed below:
Read: An introduction to Nutrition( Primary resource)-attached
Sect 3.1 ­4.7: p. 128-­232
Focus on: 
Sect 3.1 ­3.5: p. 130-­162 
Sect 4.1 : p. 169­-174 
Sect 4.4: p. 194-201 
Sect 4.7: p. 218­-230
1. The Mayo Clinic on carbohydrates: “Most aren’t bad, but some are healthier than others.”
2. This article from the Mayo Clinic provides an in-depth look into artificial sweeteners: their uses, their potential benefits, and their potential risks.
3. this online resource presents the theory about human ability to tolerate lactose.
4. Go to the American Diabetes Association website.
When you get there, click on Diabetes Basics. It is directly above the pea-green box. When you get there, click on Diabetes Basics Home. Read the information there.
To learn about the Statistics in Diabetes, click on Diabetes Statistics. When you are doing your reading, focus on the following:
Overall Numbers, Diabetes and Prediabetes
Diabetes in Youth
Diabetes by Race/Ethnicity
Complications/Co-Morbid Conditions
To find out about the symptoms of diabetes, click on Symptoms. Read the information there.
To find out about the following, look at Diabetes Basics:
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Food and fitness are important parts of diabetes control and treatment. Click on Food and Fitness at the top of the page. It is just below Donate Now.
Go to the Food and Fitness home page and click on the following links. Read the information there:
Planning Meals
What Can I Eat?
Visit the FDA Supplements resource page at http://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/default.htm .
What You Need to Know about Dietary Supplements
Other resources related to Nutrition, Daily Requirements and Supplements

Word Count: 100 to 150 words long. Repetitive (redundant) answers, copied articles or portions of articles from Web sites, books, magazines and so on will not count towards participation. Proper citation of sources used for your responses is expected.
Must include citations from appropriate sources in APA format 
Must Cite sources

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