Question description

PART 1Determine whether you prefer Debussy or Mahler after listening to works by each at the Websites below or in this week’s Music Folder and after reading about them. Explain the reasons for your preference. Here we find musical composers inspired by poetry and by philosophy. Identify one (1) element within a work that you find interesting or intriguing by either composer, with regard to the manner in which the work is performed or conducted. Write a page paper – Describe the types of things that inspire you to creativity. Must use following sourcesChapter 33 (p. 1092-4), Debussy; (pp. 1104-1105), Mahler; review the Week 7 “Music Folder”“Approaching Mahler and Debussy” – selections for Mahler – (Symphony No. 2, Finale; Resurrection Symphony) or (Symphony No. 1, 3rd Movement).Musical selection for Debussy – (Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune)  PART 2respond to following statement:Due to the fact that I am very calm natured, i prefer Debussy over Mahler. Although Mahler has very unique composing and performing techniques, I found Debussy’s style very appalling. After watching one of his performances on, I noticed that he tunes in on each instrument and ensures that every instrument is heard and incorporated. In my opinion that was intriguing because each instrument had its on sound but blended into such harmonious perfection. Being that I am a fan of music, I love listening to it but not for just pleasure but to help my creativity ow at times as well. Melodies help bring emotion which I can use to help various ideas flow. 

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