Describe what the following lmc program does- Software Engineering
Mailbox Contents
00 901
01 309
02 207
03 902
04 708
05 602
06 000
07 1
08 000
09 DAT
b) The contents in memory occasionally have to be moved to another area of memory. When that happens, the mailbox references must be adjusted so that the program continues to function properly. Rewrite the LMC code in a) so that it occupies mailboxes 05 through 14 only; mailboxes 01 through 04 will be used by another program, so they can’t be used. Assume that instruction 605 remains in mailbox 00.
Mailbox Contents
00 605
01 used by other program
02 used by other program
03 used by other program
04 used by other program
05 ???
06 ???
07 ???
08 ???
09 ???
10 ???
11 ???
12 ???
13 ???
14 ???
If a cache block is altered, what methods are used to update main memory? Of the various methods, which is faster?
Explain the basic differences between the shared-nothing model and shared-disk model in clustering computers.