2 pages per answer (Double Spaced)
What factors may have led to the Mexican American War (1846-1848) and what were the legacies and consequences of that war?

Describe the Period of the Antebellum. What were some of the main grievances or calls for charters of reform that were debated during this period?
Homework help – Discuss “Jacksonian Democracy” and some of the legacies and consequences President Andrew Jackson drew and left behind by the end of his Presidency.
The “Know Nothings” were a nativist political party movement in the United States in the mid-1850s who used also used “Native American Party” to describe themselves. Two other major parties dominated the political landscape: the Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson, and the Whig Party, assembled by Henry Clay from the National Republicans. Describe the origins of these parties and their impact on American Society during the period of the Antebellum.
Homework help – Discuss notable people or individuals who contributed to the Abolitionist debate either in speeches or print press columns. Consider people like Abbey Kelly, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln or other persons and events you feel were important to the debate on freedom and the vision for America.
Homework help – Discuss the impact “Manifest Destiny” had on American Society in the 19th Century and what it meant for freedom.

Study notes:
What is the Antebellum Period?

The term “antebellum” comes from Latin and means “before the war.” In the United States, the antebellum period was the period preceding the American Civil War, which began in 1861. It is most commonly described as the time period between the War of 1812 and the Civil War, and it is most commonly used to refer to the Southern United States during that time period. Other historians may use the term “antebellum period” to refer to the entire United States, beginning after the American Revolutionary War ended in 1789.
The Antebellum Period is a five-decade period in American history following the War of 1812 but preceding the Civil War in 1861. When questions of slavery and state rights remained unresolved in the grand experiment of the United States, this period marked the end of the Founding Fathers and their generation. Northern and Southern economies developed in opposite directions; abolitionists fought slavery defenders in public opinion and sometimes with actual firearms; and political factions moved toward an unavoidable collision that resulted in the Civil War. That was the character of the Antebellum era.

Antebellum plantations throughout the South were distinguished by distinctive period architecture.
Antebellum plantations throughout the South were distinguished by distinctive period architecture.
Following its arduous war for independence from England, the United States worked to rebuild itself and forge its own identity. The United States government was in its infancy at the time, and it was more state-centered — individual state governments had more power than the federal government. One of the primary reasons the South seceded from the Union at the start of the Civil War was a belief that the federal government was usurping too much power from the states.

Military Textile mills in the North that processed cotton grown in the South exemplified the industrial/agrarian divide between the two regions during the antebellum period.
Textile mills in the North that processed cotton grown in the South exemplified the industrial/agrarian divide between the two regions during the antebellum period.
During this period, the country underwent its first real military test as a nation. The victory in the War of 1812 established the United States as a formidable power. In addition, the successful Mexican-American War of the late 1840s enhanced the United States’ reputation as a military power.

Expansion to the West
During the antebellum period, the concept of “manifest destiny” gripped the nation. Westward movement was fueled by the belief that it was a God-given right to expand to the Pacific Ocean. The gold rush of 1849 also drove people from all over the country to California. Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, Arkansas, and Michigan were added as states as a result of this expansion. The introduction of railroads aided westward expansion, with tracks being built across the country to help move people, livestock, and materials.


During the antebellum period, the American economy changed as well. Despite significant growth in agriculture, the country had become more industrialized as textile mills and factories were built. During the antebellum period, there were also many groundbreaking inventions. The cotton gin, telegraph, and sowing jenny are among the most notable.


Slavery was the major issue that sparked the Civil War during the antebellum period. Slave labor provided a significant portion of the South’s economy. In a country that preached equality for all men, moral and legal concerns about slave labor became overwhelming.

The landmark 1857 court case Dred Scott v. Sandford declared that slaves were not citizens but rather property. As the abolitionist movement grew, it became impossible to avoid discussing slavery. Slave riots and rebellions erupted across the South, and the federal government was forced to address the issue on the basis of statehood and population.

Rights of Women

During the antebellum period, women’s rights became increasingly important. Many women fought for political rights and legal equality. The Seneca Falls Convention for Women’s Rights, an influential two-day event held in Seneca Falls, New York, was organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

What triggered the antebellum reform movement?
Economic, demographic, and technological changes influenced and shaped antebellum reform as well. Among its members were educated women who had little public voice outside of religious and reform activities. They were the foundation of many causes.

What was the antebellum reform’s goal?

Temperance “(which literally means moderation in the consumption of liquor) was transformed into a crusade to eliminate drinking entirely” (461), women’s rights, and abolitionism were the goals of antebellum reform.

When did the antebellum period begin?
Antebellum South/Periods 1783-1861

What event triggered the antebellum reform movements?

Temperance societies sprang up across the United States during the antebellum period (after the War of 1812 and before the Civil War). Their goal was to outlaw alcohol, which they believed had a negative impact on everyone.

What exactly was antebellum reform?
The reform movements that arose in America during the antebellum period focused on specific issues: temperance, abolishing debt imprisonment, pacifism, antislavery, abolishing capital punishment, improving prison conditions (with the purpose of prison reconceived as rehabilitation rather than punishment), the…

What were some of the most important antebellum reform movements?

What was the most significant antebellum reform movement?
Abolitionism was one of the most radical reform movements of the time. The fight to abolish slavery has a long history, both globally and in the United States; in fact, the fight to abolish slavery emerged around the same time as slavery itself.

In history, what was Antebellum?

The term “antebellum” comes from Latin and means “before the war.” The antebellum period in American history refers to the years following the War of 1812 (1812-15) and preceding the Civil War (1861–65). These issues contributed to an unstable and explosive political environment, which led to the Civil War.

What exactly was the antebellum reform movement?
Antebellum Period Reform Movements The ideas of compromising on slavery and eventually abolishing it were prevalent during the Antebellum period. Abolitionists ranged from moderates (who wanted to gradually end slavery) to radicals (immediate abolition).

In history, what does the term antebellum mean?

The term “antebellum” comes from Latin and means “before the war.” The antebellum period in American history refers to the years following the War of 1812 (1812-15) and preceding the Civil War (1861–65).

What happened in England during the antebellum period?
Separate economies in the Antebellum Period 1. Following the War of 1812, England finally recognized American independence and began to establish relations with the fledgling nation. 2 Expansion and the issue of slavery 3 Social changes…

Who was the president of the United States during the antebellum period?

The United States made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, under President Thomas Jefferson, and the lands gradually organized into states. The country grew even faster after the War of 1812. Spain ceded Florida Territory in 1819.

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