demonstrate your analysis of the passage|History

For your final project, review all you have learned from your study of Romans. Taking the passage you selected in Week 5 Assignment 1, create a Bible study lesson that applies the knowledge you have learned. This Bible study lesson should demonstrate your analysis of the passage and make practical application to the world, your community, and to your life and/or ministry.

Final Application Project Guidelines with Example

Select passage. Example: Romans 6:5-11

Create a title to your passage. Example: “Old Life Dead”

Outline of lesson.

Introduction: Background

I. How we are united to Christ v. 5 A. In His death

B. In His resurrection
II. The results of our union with Christ. v. 6, 7

A. Old self crucified

B. Set free from sin
III. Implications of our union with Christ vv. 8-11

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A. B. C.

Death with Christ means life with Christ Death with Christ means death to sin Consider yourself dead to sin.

Conclusion: We need to make a conscious choice to be done with sinning.

Note: Your outline should include at least 3 points. Every ‘A’ must also have a ‘B’.
4. Introduction: In at least 50 words, you want to include background material from Romans concerning the audience, the purpose of the letter, and/or something Paul has said in previous verses to your passage.
Example: The introduction for the passage of Romans 6:5-11 could address why Paul says in 6:1“What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?” In chapter 5, Paul has been dealing with the results of justification and what Christ did for us while we were still sinners. This could lead to the conclusion that because of His grace we should continue to sin. Now, Paul address that in my passage.
5.Body: In at least 250 words summarize what your passage teaches. This will need to be enlarged upon when you teach the Bible study. Include in the body of the Bible study:

ï‚· At least, one example of how a structural relationship teaches something about the passage.

Example: Romans 6:5-11: Paul uses several structural relationships. He uses substantiation, interrogation, contrast causation and recurrence.

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Example: Paul uses the structural relationship of recurrence by the repeated use of the word death or died, which tells us the idea of death is very significant to the passage. He wants us to know that we have died with Christ and to sin.

At least, 2 non-routine terms that you will share in your lesson.

Example: Two good terms from the example of Romans 6:5-11 would be: “crucified,” and “consider.”
You will need to provide definitions from a Bible dictionary or encyclopedia and properly cite the information in APA format.

At least, 2 citations; one from Greathouse’s book and one from another source. Conclusion: In at least 50 words, make practical application to the world, your community,

to your life and/or ministry.

Example: The application for Romans 6:5-11 might be: As Believers, a spiritual reality has taken place in the physical symbol of baptism. We have died and been raised again. However, this time, we have a brand new kind of life. That old guy, who did those things that were sinful has died. Because I have been crucified with Christ, the old sinful nature has been put out of business. We need not be controlled by sin because it no longer has power over us. I will consider myself as being dead to that old life.

This paper should be in APA format.

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