This DB has three parts.  

  1. A key characteristic of an effective manager is good interpersonal skills.  Among the interpersonal skills that must be built are: motivation, communication, effective confrontation, coaching and development.  Describe the importance of each of these interpersonal skills for a manager. 
  2. A commonly used acronym for goal setting is SMART.  Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.  Describe a professional goal that you have set listing how it fits into the SMART categories. 
  3. Describe how the decisions managers make differ based on the level of the position such as supervisor, mid-level manager and senior manager.

In your own words, please post a response to the Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Board Reminders: 

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaProficient DescriptorPointsQuality of Main Post

24 Points 
Student’s main post meets or exceeds the following requirements: 
• Responds completely to all of parts of discussion question (6 points)
• Communicates content information accurately and/or logically (6 points)
• Delivers a thoughtful response, demonstrating insights and reflections (6 points)
• Connects to both key content concepts and personal experiences (6 points)
/24 pts.Response to Peers

24 Points
• Responds to a minimum of 2 peers (12 points per response)
o Substantive response (6 points)
o Furthers the conversation with peers. Examples could include (6 points): 

  • Provides additional resources 
  • Connects to key concepts 
  • Shares personal or professional experiences 
  • Contributes new information or perspective 
  • Presents a competing viewpoint

/24 pts.Support from Learning Resources

6 Points
At least one post refers tocourse learning resources./6 pts.Professional Writing

6 points Total
Response is well-organized, clear, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.

Posts demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.
/6 pts.Total60 points possible/60 pts.

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