Word count: 2000 maximum Please choose one of the following topics to discuss:
1. Define and discuss advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and the role it plays in a global context. Practical examples are essential. Case study is important.
Essay format:
§ Executive Summary (excluded from word count): ideally one page but no more than two
§ Table of content
§ Introduction to the essay
§ Main body of the essay
§ Conclusion
§ References
§ Appendix (excluded from word count, not compulsory)Word count: 2000 maximum Please choose one of the following topics to discuss:
1. Define and discuss advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and the role it plays in a global context. Practical examples are essential. Case study is important.
Essay format:
§ Executive Summary (excluded from word count): ideally one page but no more than two
§ Table of content
§ Introduction to the essay
§ Main body of the essay
§ Conclusion
§ References
§ Appendix (excluded from word count, not compulsory)