D#2: Core Assessment: Global Economy (Eastern Hemisphere) THE ANCIENT PERIOD
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Africa has been characterized as the Dark Continent, that it is, it is accused of being on the periphery of the ancient and medieval worlds’ economies.
Using the Geography Power Point Download Geography Power Point and the Power Points on Historic Africa 4a The Ancients (Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Axum, & East African Indian Ocean Trade) Download Historic Africa 4a The Ancients (Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Axum, & East African Indian Ocean Trade), Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss and PROVE that that Africa was Central to “GLOBAL TRADE” in the Eastern Hemisphere during the ANCIENT PERIOD which is 1500 BC through AD 300.
TIMELINE FOR THE ANCIENTS from 1500 BC through AD 300
THESIS STATEMENT: Africa was central to Global Trade during the Ancient Period 1500 BC through AD 300.
PROOF: Must include Date, Location, Activity, Global Trade includes Ideas and Products transmitted to Africa from the Eastern Hemisphere AND Ideas and Products transmitted From Africa to the Eastern Hemisphere showing HOW Africa was Central to Global Trade in the Eastern Hemisphere during the Ancient Period.
1. TRADE POINT #1: from the interior to the East African Trading States and the Indian Ocean. (1500 BC) Indian Ocean Monsoon Winds Cycle PRODUCTS FROM Southeast Asia TO COASTAL EAST AFRICA AND
2. TRADE POINT #2: These Products Traded from COASTAL EAST AFRICA into the INTERIOR of CENTRAL AFRICA that provide Forest Crops for Forest Peoples like the Kingdom of Kongo. SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE FROM Southeast Asia (Borneo) TO Madagascar: Languages
3. TRADE POINT #3: PRODUCTS traded among THE NILE RIVER VALLEY and the other three River Valley Civilizations (1000 BC)
4 TRADE POINT #4: Trade from North Africa into the Mediterranean Sea (peoples Berbers; CARTHAGE EMPIRE and Egypt) (800 BC EMPIRE OF CARTHAGE) SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE by CARTHAGE: 22-Consonant Alphabet throughout the Mediterranean Sea Basin (HOW? WHY?)
4 TRADE POINT #5: Trade from the interior to the Red Sea which is traded North to the Mediterranean Sea and South to the Indian Ocean (100 BC Kingdom/Empire Axum ) HOW does Axum CONTROL the Trade on the Red Sea? SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE TO AXUM: 900 BC spread of RELIGION TO Axum. AND AD 330 Spread of RELIGION TO Axum? (HOW? WHY?)
The Assessment Power Point Download Assessment Power Point tells the story. (If you cannot open the Link, Go to Module #1, DOCUMENTS, Last item Before Links/Videos. )

Example Below
TRADE POINT #1: from the interior to the East African Trading States and the Indian Ocean. (1500 BC) Indian Ocean Monsoon Winds Cycle PRODUCTS FROM Southeast Asia TO East Africa AND…
1500 BC: The East African coast contained around 40 city-states, those city-states used the Indian Ocean to extend their trade routes to countries in Southeast Asia and China. The most important city-state was Kilwa Kisiwani. As trade expanded so did language and culture. India was used as the main port for trade between Asia and East Africa. Traders in the Indian Ocean Basin traveled during the Indian Ocean Monsoon seasons. From November to March, the winds blow toward Africa. From April to October the winds blow away from Africa.
TRADE POINT #2: These Products Traded into the Interior of Central Africa that provide Forest Crops for Forest Peoples like the Kingdom of Kongo. SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE FROM Southeast Asia (Borneo) TO Madagascar: Languages
1500 BC: As soon as the goods being traded reached the East African city-states, the goods were then brought and traded in Central Africa. Plantains and Coco Yams from SE Asia enabled people to farm in the forest. The forest peoples had originally lived close to the edge of the forest in the Savannah region but these crops would allow the forest people to move further into the forest so they could prevent or limit others from stealing the crops.
TRADE POINT #3: PRODUCTS traded among the four River Valley Civilizations (1000 BC)
1000 BC: The Nile River valley which later became Eygpt was trading with the Indus, Tigris, Euphrates, and Hwang-Ho River valleys. Africa was now central to global trade through the greater increase of trade by way of the Indian Ocean. The trade that was happening within the Eastern Asian and Middle Eastern countries influenced the spread of culture through the countries.

TRADE POINT #4: Trade from North Africa into the Mediterranean Sea (peoples Berbers; Empires Carthage and Egypt) (800 BC EMPIRE OF CARTHAGE) SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE by CARTHAGE: 22-Consonant Alphabet throughout the Mediterranean Sea Basin (HOW? WHY?)
The Berbers are a non-semitic people who inhabited the Mediterranean Coastline from Egypt to the Atlantic. They dominated North Africa until it was conqured by the Arabs in the 7th century. The Berbers call themselves “Imazighen” meaning free. Imazigheb is the plural of “Amazigh” of the Afro-asiatic family and is related to Ancient Egyptian and Ethiopian languages. The Empire of Carthage began as a state in 814 BC. Carthage began as a Phoenician settlement/colony. The Phoenicians established a port at present day tunis for trade. Carthage controlled trade from the African interior to the Mediterranean Sea Basin. Trade from Africa into he Mediterranean Sea to Europe, the British Isles, and West Asia. Carthage competed for a monopoly on Sea trade with the Romans. Carthage was conquered by Rome during the 3 Punic Wars from 264 BC-146 BC. The Carthaginians spread the 22-consonant alphabet in order to issue receipts. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 331 BC and founded the city of Alexandria. Here supply lines were kept open to feed and equip his troops. The Library if Alexandria was also used to bring in more trade.
TRADE POINT #5: Trade from the interior to the Red Sea which is traded North to the Mediterranean Sea and South to the Indian Ocean (100 BC Kingdom/Empire Axum ). HOW does Axum CONTROL the Trade on the Red Sea? SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE TO AXUM: 900 BC spread of RELIGION TO Axum. AND AD 330 Spread of RELIGION TO Axum? (HOW? WHY?)
The Kingdom of Axum included the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Axum’s major sea-trade port was Adulis. Axum taxed trade on the Red Sea. By 100 BC Axum controlled the trade on the Red Sea during and after it included part of the Arabian Peninsula by Taxing the ships travelling North from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and south from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. Jewish men were sent to Axum with Melelik I, around 900 BC. By 330 AD East Orthodox Christianity was spread by Greek traders.

800 BC: The Berbers, who inhabited the Mediterranean coastline from Egypt to the Atlantic, dominated North Africa and were involved in trade with the Mediterranean. Carthage, a Berber empire, controlled trade and spread their ideas and culture throughout the Mediterranean, including their 22-consonant alphabet. They played a central role in global trade in the Eastern Hemisphere during this time.

TRADE POINT #5: Trade from the interior to the Red Sea, which is traded North to the Mediterranean Sea and South to the Indian Ocean (100 BC Kingdom/Empire Axum) CONTROL OF TRADE on the Red Sea by Axum, SPREAD OF IDEAS/CULTURE TO Axum: 900 BC spread of religion to Axum, AD 330 spread of religion to Axum (HOW? WHY?)
100 BC: The Kingdom of Axum, located in the interior of Africa, controlled trade between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. This allowed them to spread their ideas and culture throughout the region. Axum also played a role in spreading religion, as it was the site of the spread of religion in 900 BC and AD 330. Through their control of trade and influence on ideas and culture, Axum was central to global trade in the Eastern Hemisphere during this time.

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