1. How do you think it might be useful in the field of communication? (I need help writing my essay – research paper focus more on this part)
2. Chpater focus (cored issues discussed, strengths and weaknesses, current debates, consequences)
Freedom of expression on the Internet is a highly delicate topic, rendering limitations very difficult to determine. Through an examination of definitions, key developments, relevant cases, a techno ethical coding tables, and a juxtaposition of Canadian and American policies, we will discuss how online freedom of expression can impact society. It remains to be seen, however the future directions of freedom of expression. Namely, the use of laws created to better suit the online environment, international policing agencies used to regulate the online world, and the long-term implications on society.
Key terms
· Cyberethics: the cluster of ethical, social, legal, and political issues related to the internet and networked computers (Tavani, 1996)
· Ethical dilemma: a predicament in which there are two conflicting situations that both require moral considerations, but choosing one would mean doing wrong to the other
· Hate speech: content that targets, alienates, or discriminates against an individual or a group based on race, gender, sex, ethnicity, religion, or disability
· Hacking: manipulating online security systems to access information without permission
· Cyber security (aka IT security or computer security): protecting computers and/or computer or online information from being stolen or harmed
· Freedom of expression: the rights to voice, hold, convey, or receive opinions without being legally reprimanded
· Social media: virtual connections or applications that allow users to share information or communicate with each other
· Internet forum: discussion boards online where users can converse with one another by posting messages on these discussion boards
· Cyber terrorism: using computers and online systems to produce extensive harm to society