Need memo revised. the details for the memo is below along with the teacher comments for revision. The previous memo is attached. If you need to get on my school website to view more info. let me know.
Step 8: Culture Clash
Belinda Lee, the CEO, has requested that your team investigate and report back to her about a recent dispute between three of her direct reports: the VP of manufacturing, the VP of marketing and the VP of product design.
Belinda has asked you to write a memo with your findings and recommendations for how Phone and Build should handle this situation. Take notes and create an outline for your memo as you consider each of the following questions:
Was the Chinese supplier ethical in shipping more than 300,000 cases made of real leather instead of the requested faux leather material, even though the supplier was not charging Phone and Build anything extra for the higher cost of real leather? Explain why or why not.
When the manufacturing VP contacted the Chinese supplier to complain, the supplier could not understand why Phone and Build was not pleased about receiving a real leather case, given that Phone and Build was still paying for the less expensive faux leather one. Is there a cultural difference between customer expectations and business transactions in the West and in Asia? Explain.
The decision of the manufacturing VP to accept the shipment containing real leather cases without first consulting the marketing VP is also somewhat problematic. By the time the marketing VP received the memo, it was too late for the cases to be returned. If you were the marketing VP and received the same memo, would you do anything different? Why?
All the senior personnel at Phone and Build should have been well aware that a significant proportion of their African and Asian customers were very sensitive about using phone cases made of pig leather. As an organization, what strategic errors did you observe in the decision making by various individuals in this situation? By the design VP? By the manufacturing VP? By the marketing VP? Could more training in ethical decision making and cultural sensitivity for senior management have helped in this situation? Why or why not?
Gather information about the cultural factors that are in play in this situation, including Managing in a Global Environment and Cross-Cultural Ethical Business Decision Making. You will need to research cross-cultural differences in decision making and recommend a course of action to the CEO. You should start in the UMUC Library.
Back up your responses with information about relevant differences in cultural expectations in China, South Africa, and the United States. In order to support your views, it will be useful to conduct some additional research on cultural differences and their impact on global business transactions.
In the next step, you will write your memo.
09/09/17) Group 1 — Culture Clash Milestone Feedback
Group 1, again I want to thank you for the effort you are making on this project. You WILL see my comments reflected here for this milestone submission. There still is work to be done; however I believe that your team can do this! I look forward to seeing the adjustments you make in the next submission. If you have questions about specific examples or ways to improve in the competency areas highlighted as not yet meeting expectations, please reach out to me.
1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.
NP — Your milestone memo includes positives, but does not yet meet expectations in this competency area. I need help writing my essay – research paper continue to REFINE your work.
Presentation — The memo presented material in a clear and logical ORDER for the task at hand.
Thesis & Purpose — Unfortunately, at the outset, the document provides no overview of the facts. Also missing was a statement of the issue(s) you were attempting to explore and resolve in this document. Outlining this type of information for Ms. Lee would have been helpful, as it would prepare her for the discussion to come.
Transition — Although you provide no obvious visual cues, such as section headers, the document generally uses appropriate language to transition effectively from point-to-point, and your memo generally presents a coherent flow from start to finish.
Instructions — Lastly, the assignment does not comply with all project instructions. While we WILLcover substantive instructions below, I encourage you to look back at Step 9; please ensure that your memo complies with all of the technical requirements listed there. Note that your submission will not meet requirements in this competency area until it is completed in accordance with instructions.
1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.
NP = At this point, your performance in this competency area does not yet meet expectations. Unfortunately, the memo reads SIMPLY as an opinion paper. (In fact, it reads as one person’s opinion, given the “I” references throughout.) It does not contain any specific source information within the discussion areas addressed. You want to help the reader by specifying appropriate doctrines in the relevant portion of the discussion, offering in-text citations, and outlining the elements of each theory you are attempting to use. By proceeding in this way, you will not simply present information and give the reader your conclusions but also demonstrate that you are utilizing established and verifiable sources in reaching your conclusions.
1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
NP = At this point, your performance in this competency area does not yet meet expectations.
Target Audience — The memo is presented to the CEO, which was appropriate. Look back at Step 8, though, where she is IDENTIFIED as Belinda Lee. Because you know her name, you should direct the memo to her specifically.
Unfamiliar Terms — Because this submission is prepared as an opinion piece, your mastery of this part of the competency was not tested. As you revise the document, please be sure to offer explanations for unfamiliar terms and material.
Precise Language — In preparing the next version of the memo, be specific THROUGHOUT as you explain the facts, the doctrines, your conclusions, and your recommendations. Remember, you have been asked to educate and advise; to do that, you must present Ms. Lee with unambiguous information and application.
Tone — There were some difficult and sensitive messages to be delivered in this memo. Overall, you used a tone that was appropriate for this setting. Be cautious, however, about language that can inadvertently offend. (See e.g., the number of “should have” comment throughout.) While your statements very well may be accurate, the tone may be read in a different manner than you meant it. Your goal is to ensure that the messages contained in the memo are received so that they can be acted upon; to ensure that you WILL be heard, be careful about how you relay those messages.
Bias — To conclude this section, note that you presented your opinions in a manner that did not portray cultural bias.
2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them AGAINST relevant criteria and benchmarks
NP1 — At this point you have not yet met expectations in this competency area largely because you did not complete the assignment. The task was to gather information about cultural factors and ethical decision making as you assessed this scenario, reached conclusions, and made recommendations. Because you did not do so, the memo has not demonstrated your ability to develop ideas and check them against benchmarks. I encourage you to look back to Steps 8 and 9 regarding the instructions that were to have been followed for this project.
5.1: Develop CONSTRUCTIVE resolutions for ethical dilemmas based on application of ethical theories, principles, and models.
NP — Again, the rating of not meeting expectations for this competency results from submission of an incomplete assignment. By offering an opinion piece, you have not shown the ability to develop constructive resolutions for ethical dilemmas based on the application of theories, principles, and models. I need help writing my essay – research paper try again.
5.2: Assess the implications of LEGAL, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an organization’s operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions.
NP — You are taking steps in the right direction in this competency area even THOUGH you have not yet met expectations. I need help writing my essay – research paper continue working.
Ethical Standard Identification — Thus far, the memo does not show that you are able to identify and analyze common ethical issues facing organizations operating in global markets and, then from your analysis, recommend best practice outcomes. Continue your work in this area.
Cultural Difference Analysis — In some ways, we are all the same; in other ways, we are shaped by culture. A missing piece in your memo was evidence that you are able to recognize and analyze cultural differences at play in global MARKETS and also to recommend appropriate actions. This is an area for attention in your next memo version.
6.1: Identify the general (external) environment in which an organization operates and discuss the implications for enterprise success.
NP — The presentation does not yet meet expectations in this competency area. An important part of Ms. Lee’s assessment of this situation has to be the environment in which Phone and Build operates. Unfortunately, your memo does not assist her to examine the company’s MARKET, nor does it present an assessment of the opportunities and threats that have the ability to impact long- and short-term performance. I need help writing my essay – research paper keep working.
6.2: Evaluate strategic implications for domestic and international markets of an organization’s industry.
NP — The presentation does not yet meet expectations in this competency area. There was no evidence that you engaged in strategic thinking about the domestic and foreign markets for the Phone and Build situation. I need help writing my essay – research paper do so going forward.