Table of Contents Module 3 M3 Assignment 1 Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 
M3 Assignment 1 Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 

Assignment 1: Detecting Arguments

This assignment is due on by the due date assigned. Post your responses to the Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Area. Your readings for this module covered argument structures, nonstatements, premises, and conclusions. For each of the sentences below, determine if it is an argument. For those that are arguments, identify the premises and the conclusion.

With regard to argumentation, define what a premise and conclusion are.

1. She is from Minnesota, so we know that she is nice.
2. How can the paper be due today? Today is Tuesday!
3. I won’t eat broccoli. Broccoli is yucky.
4. The park was beautiful, with trees, flowers, and buzzing bees. The bright flashes of the wings of dragonflies were everywhere.
5. Get your work done now!
6. We studied hard, did all the exercises, and practiced all the proficiency. Thus, there is no way that we will fail this course.
7. She was laughing and thus having fun.
8. Why are we looking for premises and conclusions?
9. Many teachers do not know whether students have too much homework, too little, or just enough.
Through the end of the module, participate in the discussion and comment substantively on at least two responses of your classmates, applying at least four concepts and providing two sets of reasoning.

Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40

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