Welcome to the week four discussion post.  Last week we dealt with organizations motivated by their ethnic makeup, this week you will find a criminal organization that have worked to use corruption within the government to obtain their means of criminality.  I need help writing my essay – research paper pay particular attention to the parts of the assignment.  If you have any questions, please call me.  The assignment is below.
I expect you to study before you take the midterm and have it completed before Saturday afternoon.  During this week you also need to make sure you begin your research paper.  It is due in two weeks.  Call me if you have any questions.  Good luck. 

When you read this week’s module, there are several examples of organized crime and public corruption within the government.  For your discussion this week you will need to find a high profile case (specific) that involves a criminal organization and public corruption within the government, within the last twenty years.  You need to name the criminal organization and the person(s) within the government.   Explain that case, how it came about?  What actually occurred?  How it was discovered?  Ace my homework – Write out the results of the investigation and a good description of everything for the profile of this case.  Make sure you do not plagiarize.  Upload your articles from credited sources (no blog sites or creative loafing papers).  Do not profile one of the cases discussed in the module or a case that a fellow student has profiled before you in previous modules for this assignment.
You need a minimum of 300 words in your initial post. 
You will need to responds on two fellow students with a well thought response to their post.   

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Ace Tutors
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