Ace my homework – Write a 200- to 450- word response to the following Capstone Analysis questions.

  • What is cybercrime? How has cybercrime contributed to the overall rise in crime rates over the last 10 years? What recommendations would you make to combat cybercrime and crimes associated with cybercrime and hackers? How will cybercrime affect the future of the criminal justice system?

Due Saturday

Ace my homework – Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address juvenile crime issues in the criminal justice system. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the following components in your paper:

  • The differences between a juvenile court and an adult court
  • The definition of delinquency
  • The definition of status offences
  • The variables that correlate with juvenile crime rates

Describe your recommendations for reducing juvenile crime.

Format your paper consistent with Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines. Law homework help

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Research Helper
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