Corporate Analysis Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Completes all material and provides complete, appropriate, and thoughtful answers – above and beyond what is called for in the assignment.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Completes all material and answers all questions appropriately.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Completes all of the material on the assignment, but answers some questions inappropriately; uses one-word answers when a sentence or two is appropriate.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Completes some, but not all of the material on the assignment. Leaves some questions blank.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that skillfully and clearly conveys meaning with no errors. Jargon used strategically and appropriately.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that effectively conveys meaning with few errors. Jargon used appropriately.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that mostly conveys meaning with some errors. Jargon used appropriately.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that generally conveys meaning with several errors. Jargon used somewhat appropriately.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Spelling/Punctuation

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Demonstrates sophisticated awareness and use of grammar and written mechanics. Free of any and all grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Free of any and all grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Generally free or almost free of any grammatical, spelling or punctuation.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Occasional grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors, but does not distract reader or obscure meaning.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Finding

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Demonstrates a strong and consistent ability to identify salient new challenges/ problems/ opportunities with an understanding of the most important issues.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Demonstrates a limited ability to recognize challenges / problems / opportunities (i.e., new ‘hotspots’ or areas for improvement), or misunderstands the relative importance of presented issues.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFact Finding

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Synthesizes in-depth information from all relevant sources representing all relevant points of view.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Presents in-depth information from multiple relevant sources representing various points of view.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Presents information from some relevant sources representing a limited range points of view.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Presents information from irrelevant or a limited range of sources representing a limited range of points of view. 
Corporate Analysis Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Completes all material and provides complete, appropriate, and thoughtful answers – above and beyond what is called for in the assignment.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Completes all material and answers all questions appropriately.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Completes all of the material on the assignment, but answers some questions inappropriately; uses one-word answers when a sentence or two is appropriate.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Completes some, but not all of the material on the assignment. Leaves some questions blank.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that skillfully and clearly conveys meaning with no errors. Jargon used strategically and appropriately.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that effectively conveys meaning with few errors. Jargon used appropriately.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that mostly conveys meaning with some errors. Jargon used appropriately.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Uses language (word choice, vocabulary) that generally conveys meaning with several errors. Jargon used somewhat appropriately.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Spelling/Punctuation

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Demonstrates sophisticated awareness and use of grammar and written mechanics. Free of any and all grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Free of any and all grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Generally free or almost free of any grammatical, spelling or punctuation.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Occasional grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors, but does not distract reader or obscure meaning.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Finding

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Demonstrates a strong and consistent ability to identify salient new challenges/ problems/ opportunities with an understanding of the most important issues.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Demonstrates a limited ability to recognize challenges / problems / opportunities (i.e., new ‘hotspots’ or areas for improvement), or misunderstands the relative importance of presented issues.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFact Finding

20.0 ptsExemplary (20 pts): Synthesizes in-depth information from all relevant sources representing all relevant points of view.

19.0 ptsProficient (18-19 pts): Presents in-depth information from multiple relevant sources representing various points of view.

17.0 ptsDeveloping (15-17 pts): Presents information from some relevant sources representing a limited range points of view.

14.0 ptsLimited (0-14 pts): Presents information from irrelevant or a limited range of sources representing a limited range of points of view.

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Ace Tutors
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