Core Competencies and Scope of Practice in Nursing Informatics
Nursing Informatics Competencies and Practice Scope
As the nursing profession continues to integrate information technology, nursing informatics is emerging as a distinct speciality. Nursing informatics has its own core papers, principles, competencies, and functions. How may IT skills impact your professional practice?

This week’s topic is nursing informatics core competencies, breadth, and standards. If you are not a nursing informatics specialist, some functional areas will be more relevant than others. So, this week, you will examine the core functional areas of nursing informatics and identify relevant competencies. You also analyze how IT skills can benefit nursing practice.

Nursing Informatics Skills

Nursing skills are in high demand today, not just in clinical practice or specialist areas, but also in the use of technology tools that improve practice and patient care. As technology progressively touches and changes every nurse’s job, basic and sophisticated technical skills are expected. Nursing technology competencies have been created by organizations such as the American Nurses Association, American Medical Informatics Association, and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. Nurses must recognize needs and training opportunities.

The importance of informatics in your professional tasks is discussed here. You identify personal skill and knowledge deficiencies and create a plan for growth.


Review Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider which categories connect to your present or previous nursing responsibilities. Identify one or two key functional areas for our discussion.

Examine the TIGER Initiative’s suggested competencies. Identify at least one skill in each of the three primary areas (basic computer skills, information literacy skills, and information management skills) that you need to improve. Consider how you may develop your skills in these areas and your organization’s resources for training and support.

Answers to questions

• Describe briefly the important functional area(s) of nursing informatics relevant to your present or previous role.

2. Identify the TIGER abilities that are critical to improving your functional area(s).

3.Explain why these skills are required and how they will be developed.

4.Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include any organizational resources you have access to and how you can obtain them.

Develop your nursing informatics skills to improve your nursing efficacy.
Sample Nursing Answer
Nursing Informatics Functional Areas
Technology has a tremendous impact on nursing education and practice. So, before determining the suitable information technology education, consider the role of nurses. The rapid growth of digital technology is a factor in nursing informatics. Thus, a critical evaluation of developing technologies provides us with crucial nursing informatics elements to consider (Carter-Templeton, & Curran, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). The rapid advancement of technology necessitates an educational program that provides both long and short term courses to empower nurses. These courses can target professionals, students, grads, and PhDs.

As previously noted, certain aspects of technology can help nurses improve patient care (Carter-Templeton, & Curran, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Key nursing informatics abilities such as computer skills. Some computer abilities include searching for patient data. Computers can also be used to document nursing care and give online nursing care information. Nursing informatics is important in health promotion. A technologically advanced environment improves patient safety by providing information regarding health care (Carter-Templeton, & Curran, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). All of these skills are important when working as an emergency nurse. To avoid further health complications, one must be informed.

Tiger Skills

TIGER stands for Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (Green et al, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). The technology was created to identify 21st century nursing competencies. Thus, the goal of this project is to teach nurses basic computer skills. Basic computer abilities, for example, help nursing informatics. Using computer skills to discover nursing difficulties allows a nurse to overcome large caregiving constraints (Green et. al, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Basic computer knowledge aids in workplace communication. However, as an emergency nurse, it is critical to comprehend the national nursing data infrastructure.

TIGER Basic Computer Skills

Basic computer abilities help convey information and enhance patient-centered care (Yang, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). A nurse can safely care for patients by using basic computer abilities. TIGER basic computer skills plan:

Knowing how to gather and name data

Organizing and interpreting data/information

Applying the knowledge

Internal Organizational Resources

Almost every organization now has computers and internet connectivity. My company has several computer laboratories where one can undertake research. Second, a desktop computer is in practically every room. With an internet connection, these resources can be used to obtain information and communicate with coworkers.

The Importance of Nursing Informatics

Professionals can maintain track of patients’ health records. When working, nursing informatics promotes positive outcomes (Carter-Templeton, & Curran, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Internet-based technologies help improve patient care by improving access to evidence. Software tools promote nursing research in numerous areas. Professionally, nursing informatics improves my abilities and patient outcomes.


Currently, digital technology is vital in fostering a good attitude among nurses. Nurses must be conversant with informatics to improve their skills and improve patient care. Nursing informatics requires basic computer abilities. Nurses can gradually learn to use complicated informatics for research.

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Green, M., et al (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Measuring Nursing Impact
Informatics Competencies and Decision Satisfaction: A New Research Direction.
Yang, L., et al (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). a nurse’s viewpoint
managers on IT skills 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, Scientific World Journal
Monfre, J., Batchelor, F. and Skar, A., 2022. Improving Skin Assessment Documentation in the Electronic Health Record to Prevent Perioperative Pressure Injuries. AORN journal, 115(1), pp.53-63.
Hussey, Pamela, and Kathryn J. Hannah. “Nursing Informatics: A Core Competency for the Profession.” In Introduction to Nursing Informatics, pp. 55-85. Springer, Cham, 2021.

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