Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Question Response Format:

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion question responses will be double spaced. The combined word count for the principles and implications sections of the response will total no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. Important points will be incorporated into sentence and paragraph structure with a minimal use of bullets. The response will be formatted using the following three headings:

(1) Principle(s)

(2) Implication(s)

(3) Reference(s)

Example of a Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Question Response:

List your name, Course, DQ number, and date.
Do the principles section. This is the first part of the three part response. The information to answer this part is in the text or other assigned reading.
Do the implications section. This is the second part of the three part response. In this part you apply the principles to real life situations.
Do the references section. This is the third part of the three part response. One assigned reading may suffice or additional references may be added.

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Question One Follows in Bold (This is an example)


Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Question One

Corbin, the author of the text, writes that physical fitness “consists of at least five health-related and six skill-related dimensions”. This is discussed beginning on page 9 of the text.

In the Principles section of your discussion question response you are to identify and briefly explain each of the five health related dimensions and also the six skill related dimensions.

In the Implications section of your response you are to discuss the differences between the health related dimensions and the skill-related dimensions.

In the References section of your response you are to provide at least one reference. The text may be used. Additional references may be noted if they were used.


The five health-related dimensions of physical fitness are:

Cardiorespiratory Endurance — The ability of the respiratory system to supply oxygen to the muscles for sustained exercise.
Muscular Strength — Then ability of the muscles to exert an external force to lift a heavy weight.
Muscular Endurance — The ability of the muscles to exert themselves repeatedly.

4. Flexibility — The range of motion available in a joint.

5. Body Composition — The relative percentage of fat in a person’s body as compared to other body tissues.

The six skill-related dimensions of physical fitness are:

Agility — The ability of the body to rapidly and accurately change the direction of movement of the entire body in space.
Balance — The maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or while moving.
Coordination — The ability to use the senses with the body parts ty perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
Reaction Time — The time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to that stimulation.
Power — The ability to transfer energy into force at a fast rate.
Speed — The ability to perform a movement in a short period of time.


The health-related dimensions are usually emphasized in personal fitness programs because these dimensions have a direct relationship to good health and reduced risk of hypokinetic diseases. Most importantly they have to do with the functioning of the heart, the lungs and the blood vessels.

The skill-related dimensions are associated more with performance than with good health. They are called skill-related because people who possess them at a high level find it easier to achieve high levels of performance in motor skills, such as those required in sports and in specific types of jobs.


Corbin, C., “Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach”, 12th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, N. Y., pg. 9.

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Question 4 – Due 10/04/20

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Question 4

Referenced from the text in The Physical Activity Pyramid (Corbin pgs. 95 to 150).

Corbin has presented a concept that is identified with a figure known as the Physical
Activity Pyramid (pg. 96). It shows steps (levels) of activity and gives examples. Moderate physical activity is noted as being “…the foundation of an active lifestyle.” (pg. 97).

In the principles section of your response you are to briefly discuss what the author means by “moderate physical activity”. Additionally, you are to give examples of the following:
1. Light physical activity.
2. Moderate physical activity
3. Vigorous physical activity

This is the first part of the three part response.

In the implications section of your response you are to discuss how you might personally move from one step (level) in the physical activity pyramid to another level. You are to give one or more examples.

This is the second part of the three part response.

The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference.

This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

The word count in the combined principles and implications sections should be between 300 and 400 words.

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Ace Tutors
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