Week 8 Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion.
Congratulations! You have been promoted to be a new training manager for your unit!

Your first task is to train your team to use some new software. In your psychology class, you learned about two different approaches to learning: 1.) Operant conditioning and 2.) Observational learning.

In your discussion post, share which approach you would use to train your team in using the new Electronic Health Records software. Be sure to use EITHER operant conditioning OR observational learning.

Using a minimum of two concepts from either operant or observational learning, explain, with detail, how you will apply these to teach your team.

If you choose operant conditioning, you will need to discuss terms/concepts to support your approach. (Some examples include the law of effect, shaping, positive or negative reinforcement. There are a lot more terms to use in your response). Use a minimum of two concepts.


If you choose observational learning, you will need to discuss terms/concepts to support your approach. (Some examples include modeling, mirror neurons, imitation, prosocial modeling, antisocial modeling. There are more terms to use in your response. Use a minimum of two concepts.

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