Use Case – Fully Dressed Format

Use Case Name: Add member interests ID: 1 Priority: Top
Brief Description: Vice president of the student club uses the system to input member interests

Actor: Vice President
Trigger: New member alert
Type • External • Temporal
VP must be authenticated
Member information must exist
List of interests is up-to-date

Normal Course
1. pull up the member info page
2. Click a button to add interests
3. Check the checkboxes for indicating what the interests are
4. Save the interests

Information for Steps
1. Member name or member id
3. list of all interests (for populating the checkboxes)
4. Member id and Interests
Alternative Course(s):
– Member can add interests by himself
– Default list of interests added
– Updated list of interests for the member

– Member is not active member – interests are not readily usable
– New member has not paid due
Homework help – Summary:
Inputs Source Outputs Target
Member name / id
List of all interests

User – Vice President
Members database Member id and interests Members database

Use Case Name: Student examines courses ID:2.1 Priority:
Brief Description:
After having logged in the student can review courses available
Actor: Students
Type • External • Temporal

Student must be logged in

Normal Course

1. Enter search terms

2. System retrieves matching courses

3. Student selects a course

4. System displays course details

Information for Steps

1. Search terms
2. List of courses
3. Course id
4. Course details
Alternative Course(s):
Student types in a course number and system retrieves course details

No database updates are done

– Search term results in no matches
– Search term results in too many matches

Homework help – Summary:
Inputs Source Outputs Target
Search term
Course ID

Student page
Results page List of matched courses
Course details Student page
Course detail page

Use Case Name: Student adds course to schedule ID: 2.2 Priority:
Brief Description:
Student selects a course to add to his schedule; System adds to schedule and notifies the student
Actor: Student
Type • External • Temporal

1. Student has examined the course he wants (use case 2.1)
2. Student is eligible to enroll in the course
3. There is no unpaid fees
4. The student will not exceed the course limit

Normal Course

1. Selects course for adding
2. Student adds course to schedule
3. Schedule is updated and confirmed

Information for Steps

1. Course Id
2. Student id and Course Id
3. Confirmation number, updated schedule
Alternative Course(s):

1. Advisor can add student to a course


1. Schedule is updated

1. Class closed
2. Time conflict
3. Pre-requisite not met

Homework help – Summary:
Inputs Source Outputs Target
Course id, Student id

Course selection page Updated schedule, Confirmation Database

Use Case Name: Student drops course from schedule ID: 2.3 Priority:
Brief Description:
Student selects a course from his schedule and drops it; system confirms and update the schedule
Actor: Student,
Type • External • Temporal

Student has logged in
Student has courses in his schedule

Normal Course

1. Student views his schedule
2. Student selects course for dropping
3. Student submits drop request
4. System drops course, sends confirmation and updates schedule
Information for Steps

1. Student id
2. List of course in the schedule
3. Course id for dropping
4. Confirmation notification, updated schedule
Alternative Course(s):

1. Registrar office can drop student

1. Course roster is updated
2. Student schedule is updated

1. The course has a co-requirement
2. Attempting to drop after last dropt date

Homework help – Summary:
Inputs Source Outputs Target

Student id, course id

Schedule page
Confirmation, updated schedule

Use Case Name: ID: Priority:
Brief Description:

Type • External • Temporal

Normal Course

Information for Steps
Alternative Course(s):



Homework help – Summary:
Inputs Source Outputs Source

Use Case Name: ID: Priority:
Brief Description:

Type • External • Temporal

Normal Course

Information for Steps
Alternative Course(s):



Homework help – Summary:
Inputs Source Outputs Source

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Ace Tutors
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