complete your supervising attorney|Law
Now that the client interview is complete your supervising attorney, Linda would like you to provide her with a memorandum of law evaluating the viability of pursuing Cooper’s case as a “slip and fall” action under Maryland law.
As a reminder the fact pattern for the case is the following:
Cooper, the firm’s client, is a 60-year old self-employed truck driver. During the last leg of his late night twelve-hour route through Virginia and into Maryland, he stopped at Quick Stop convenience store in Maryland to refuel his truck and purchase a cup of coffee to help him stay alert through the last portion of his drive. While in the store, Cooper slipped on some spilt coffee on the floor near the self-serve coffee area. He hurt his back and incurred major medical bills. One employee was present in the store at the time of his fall. He would like Quick Stop to cover his medical expenses and the loss in income that has resulted in his injury recovery time. File notes indicate to look into a potential claim against Quick Stop for maintaining negligent conditions that caused him to fall.
From this point forward in the course you can create additional hypothetical facts for the scenario to address points of law that you research, as if it was information that you collected from the client and others during the client interview or initial witness interviews and reviews of documentation and other evidence. Or in the alternative you can indicate what type of factual information would support the claim, as you reason through the legal analysis.
The memorandum of law ought to include the following sections (subtitled in your document) and information:
Introduction – summarizing relevant facts of the case
Issue(s) Presented: A legal issue statement formatted in the form of a question that can be answered yes or no.
Short Answer: Concise answer to the issue presented.
Analysis – a description of the relevant legal elements for the claim and legal standards by which those elements are determined; an application of law to the facts of the case. The analysis ought to utilize case law from at least three separate relevant appellate court cases (you can also incorporate relevant statutes and/or rules if relevant as well), including appropriate Bluebook citations to each.
Conclusion – A brief statement as the likely outcome of the issue presented in light of your analysis.
Form and Format Requirements
Paper should be at least 2 pages
Double space
12 pt. font
1” margins
Use appropriate Bluebook citations for all legal sources; when you cite case law please cite to the regional reporter, rather than state reporters and do not provide parallel
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