Copy Additional Sheets for Each Job
________________________________________ __________________________ Student Name Date Completed
Job Title Factor Degree Point Value Total

Accountant Education 1 – High School 20
2 – Associate 25
3 – Bachelor’s 30
4 – Master’s 35
5 – Doctoral 40

Amount of 1 – 0-1 year 20
Experience 2 – 2-5 years 30
Required 3 – 6-10 years 40
4 – More than 10 50

Job Complexity 1 – Performs routine tasks 20
2 – Performs a variety of tasks 30
3 – Handles routine and non-routine tasks
with supervision 40
4 – Handles complex tasks that require
independent decision making. May
require the ability to work within and
between divisions/departments 50

Supervision 1 – Has no direct reports 20
Exercised 2 – Has 1 – 3 direct reports 30
3 – Has responsibility for a unit/section/dept 40
4 – Has broad supervisory responsibility,
including the supervision of exempt and
non-exempt employees 50

Technology Skills 1 – Little to no technological skill
requirements 20
2 – Basic Microsoft Office
applications required 30
3 – Specific software/hardware
proficiency required, based on
job assignment 40
4 – High level software/hardware
proficiency, data analysis, and enterprise
software requirements 50
Total point

Published by
Research Helper
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