Find a policy on Homeless
For this assignment you are to prepare a ten (10) page report about one written policy used in your field agency. Homeless, describe a written policy used in Homeless population. You should chose at least two (2) articles from professional social work journals that address the policy you are analyzing either directly or indirectly and integrate them into your paper and presentation. You should prepare a list (cited in proper APA style) of all materials you used in your report and bring a list of the references to share with your seminar colleagues.
Your report should include the following components:
1. The Policy
2. History of the policy (When the policy was made; who made the policy (national, state, local, agency); Why the policy was made; How the policy has been implemented within your agency)
3. Why you chose this policy to analyze (If Applicable)
4. The process you used to analyze the policy (What sources you used inside the agency; what sources of information you used outside the agency; how you made decisions about source analysis)
5. Considerations Related to Values (Is the policy generally compatible with Contemporary Society? Is the policy compatible with important and enduring cultural values, particularly equality, fairness, and justice? Is the policy compatible with social work’s professional values and ethical system?)
6. Dimensions of Influence (Is the policy acceptable to those in formal decision making positions? Does the policy satisfy relevant interest groups?
7. Knowledge Considerations (Is the policy based on knowledge that has been tested to some degree? Is the policy workable? That is, can the programs that flow from the policy be carried out in the real world? Does the policy create few problems for both the public and the intended beneficiaries?)
8. Elements related to Costs and Benefits (Is the policy reasonably effective? Is the policy efficient?
9. Homework help – Summary Statements