Model Student Name
Online English 101: Dr. Kwa
Essay Three Final Draft
Comparing Early and Contemporary Women Surfers: Sexism that Never Dies and Fighting for Equality
In pre-eighteenth century ancient Hawaii, women surfed as skillfully and frequently as men from childhood. After surfing almost died out due to the devastating destruction of Hawaiian culture by European influences, it wasn’t until the early twentieth century that women began to emerge as surfers again. Peter Westwick and Peter Neushul in The World in the Curl: An Unconventional History of Surfing show that early women surfers like Mary Anne Hawkins came to the sport from winning championship swimming competitions worldwide. Surfing contests sometimes brought acclaim to these few determined and skilled women surfers. The major challenge they faced was sexism, male surfers’ physical and psychological threats of abuse in the lineup. Today’s professional woman surfers and their predecessors still struggle with two problems: objectification by media that sexualizes their bodies and fewer financial rewards than their male surfer counterparts.
[This is where your essay would continue on with a first and second body paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. Again, it is best to follow my outline chart as closely as possible, and remember not to go over the 3 page limit. Thanks!]