Model Comparison
During this quarter, you have learned about many important models of family therapy. These family therapy models, orschools, represent lenses through which we view and make meaning of clients’ lives and the challenges that they areexperiencing within the context of their relationships. You have also learned a little about rnodernisrn andpostrnodernism and how these philosophical approaches impact our understandings of how therapeutic changehappens and the stance and role of family therapistt in the therapy room
For this assignment, write an B-10 page paper that summarizes the major cor:cep&, the theory of change, and thestance and role o{ the therapist for one modernist and one postmodernist family therapy model.
You should compareand c*ntrast their theories of change and how the therapist pasitions herself or himself in relation to the clients, andsummarize the significant differences between the modernist and postmodernist theories you chose in your conclusion.”
Use the Model Comparison Templaie linked in Resources to guirJe your work and organize your information properly’ Besure to delete any contextual information that is already on the template as you work.ln your paper, be sure to address the following:” Define relevant concepts of one modernist and one postrrrodernist family therapy theory.. Analyze the historicai impact of rnodernist and postmodernist {arnily therapy theorists associated with the chosenmodels{amily therapist.. Differentiate the theories of change in one modernist and postmodernist family therapy theory.. Evaluate each theory’s impact on the field o{ marriage and family therapy
Submission RequirementsYou are required to submit a draft of your assignment to Sa{eAssign prior to submitting it for grading. Submit your workas a draft to check for any necessary
Number of pages: The body of the paper must be at least B-10 pages in length. This does not inciude the titlepage and reference list.. Written communication: Submit written communication that is clear and concise, with appropriate examples andsupporting evidence. Use appropriate graduate-level composition and expression. Articulate thoughts thataddress the objectives o{ the project and do not detract frr:m the overall message..
References: The paper mr”rst include a reference list, sub.iect to the following conditions:o lnclude at least eight references to scholarly articles from peer-reviewed academic journals. Yau mayinclude additional books, websites, interviews. and other popular sources but these will not count towardthe minimum o{ eight academic references.o Make su.e at least three o{ your resources are published within the past 4 year:. The remaining resourcesmay be older if they are still considered current.o Use the current APA style and {ormatting in your in-text citations and reference list.’
SafeAssign: Submit a draft of your paper for content analysis to SafeAssign.. Formatting: Use the current APA style and formatting thrcughout your paper, including:o Ccrrect in-text citations.o Proper punctuat’ion.o Double-spacing throughout.o Proper headings and subheadings.o No skipped lines before headings and subheadings.o Proper paragraph and block indentation.o No bullets.Refer to the APA style and {ormat page on Carnpus {or more infcrmation.