You will prepare a 5−7 page report, which consists of three parts. In the first part of your report, you will compare and contrast the statements of individual rights of at least three of the following:
§ Code of Hammurabi ca 1760 B.C.E. Retrieved from
§ Magna Carta 1215. Retrieved from
§ English Bill of Rights 1689. Retrieved from
§ Virginia Declaration of Rights 1776. Retrieved from
§ S. Bill of Rights 1789. Retrieved from
§ Declaration of the Rights of Man 1789. Retrieved from
§ Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (United Nations). Retrieved from
§ FDR’s proposed “Second Bill of Rights.”
In the second part of the report you will discuss the philosophical underpinnings (e.g., natural law and legal positivism) of the historical legal systems you have identified. You may read or research anything that will be useful in your study. For example, you may draw upon your studies in LS500 related to the Declaration of Independence and the Mayflower Compact or Principles of Constitutional Law or Understanding Jurisprudence to assist you in your thinking.
In the last part of your report, you will recommend a preliminary list of at least five individual rights you think are appropriate for any new nation that is in the process of forming a government. As part of this recommendation you must provide a rationale about why you chose each of the rights that you have identified.
Your report should be 5−7 pages in length, double-spaced, and typed in 10–12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable). Be sure to cite any sources you use in APA format