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Write a 1,550 to -1,750 word paper that compares and contrasts a contemporary health care Information System Include an examination of information systems in your work place or you may utilize any of the two Healthcare Virtual Organizations and an analysis of how a database structure was used 20 years ago in comparison with how it is used today.Include the following in your paper: Analyze major events and technological advantages that influenced modern Health Care Information Systems.Consider the following events and technological advantages:Governmental ProgramsDocumenting Care and automationFinancial requirements and automationAnalyze the global business processes used in Health Care Information Technology (HCIT) and their relationship to the organization as a whole.Consider the following processes:System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Project Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Life Cycle (PMLC)LEANSix SigmaAgileJust in Time (JIT)Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed references other than the textbook that directly support your analysis.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your to the Virtual organization

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