My professor gave me and my group Community Needs Assessment. With my group, we choose to do Hispanic teens pregnancy in South LA. In this assignment we have to have health issues, Epidemiology profile, existing resources evidence-based “best practices “and interventions, behavioral profile and priorities and recommendations section. So, we divide the work and my part is behavioral profile and priorities and recommendations. I assign this assignment to someone but this person didn’t follow the instruction when I told him/her to fix it didn’t respond. Therefore, what I want from you is to finish the work. Behavioral profile 1 page and priorities and recommendations 1 page. On the Behavioral profile, 1st paragraph focuses on behaviors that lead Hispanics teenager to pregnancy which is lack of contraceptives, lack of knowledge, and lack of open communication with their parent’s and partner, condoms, withdraws and calendar method with a Hispanic teenager). Don’t add any other behaviors just expand on those because the health issues section only mentions those.
After you give a brief description of those behaviors then 2nd paragraph talks about OTC and over-the-counter pills. Then 3rd paragraph talk about “hypothetical”; For the hypothetical, you just making it up, you not going somewhere to collect data. On the 3rd paragraph when you talk about hypothetical put it in quotation mark.
Priorities and recommendations part already start it. on the 1stparagraph finish with a couple of sentences talking about the behavior that was mentioned in the Behavioral profile. 2nd paragraph talk about Limitations in resources and intervention concern OTC. Be sure to mention that future intervention should focus on those limitations in resource because we will write a proposal after this paper.
All sources you use should be scholarly article, website CDC, health people 2020.
Attached Community Needs Assessment instruction (I don’t think you need it because I told you what you need in each paragraph but feel free to check it). I attached example paper from my professor so check it out and it will help you to see how the paper done. Also, I attached Priorities and recommendations ( that was already started) Need this work within 11 or 12 hrs.