The purpose of this assignment is to introduce or reinforce your knowledge in using Ace homework tutors – APA format in the research process. All of you should be familiar with the post-positivist, interpretive, critical, and dialogic paradigms. Although there are others, most research studies are constructed from one of these. They inform how the researcher or author makes sense of what they want to examine.
1. Before you begin, read the Introduction and chapters 9-10 in the 7th edition of the Ace homework tutors – APA publication manual. This is a required text in CM 526 & CM 534. You will use it again and again. It might appear to be a bit boring, but these readings and assignments will save you a lot of grief as you continue to write papers and complete a thesis or master’s project.
2. Assignment Instructions: Go back to your research topic that you presented in your presentation. Research and find (6) sources (see below) related to, that inform or provide context to, or about your topic. Make sure to select a few sources that you may want to read to their entirety. Think about if you are examining a particular population, gender, subgroup, culture, environment, particular concepts, etc… All of these can be potential sources. In the Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Board, write a sentence explaining your topic and what you want to examine. Below, cut/paste a correctly formatted reference list using Ace homework tutors – APA style using chapters 9-10 as a guide.
The sources should include the following:
A. (3) Journal Articles; at least two need to examine something from a communication perspective (perception, identity, performance, nonverbal, culture, behavior, stigma, etc…)
B. (1) website
C. (1) online periodical
D. (1) Youtube video
Chapter 4 questions | Economics Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Answer the following questions and submit to Chapters 3&4 Questions. Explain the relationship between marketing and the four functions of management. Explain how the role of marketing has changed the way agribusiness operate. Explain why the adoption of the marketing approach is important to the success of an agribusiness firm. What are the four Ps […]