What is a system modification, and what requirements are affected when a modification is made?
Reply 100 words to student DUSTIN BROWN 250 words post wk 8:
A system modification is a change to the component of the system or the overall system itself. A modification change from the equipment, supporting software, a process or procedure, or the support level provided to the system or components. Modifications can have a ripple effect in that a change in say for example a piece of equipment may require that retraining for operators or a different schedule of maintenance to keep the equipment in order. This could trigger the need to hire new employees. If no current employees are certified to work the equipment that has been replaced as the result of the modification, the organization has to look externally to find someone to fill the role. This could change significant delays to processing which in turn has an impact on the ability to deliver to service levels. These changes can have a major effect on the system and the organization.
Before a modification to the system is made, the modification should go through a life-cycle cost analysis and/or a feasibility analysis. This will provide the necessary information to understand the impact through the system. If you take the narrow approach and just say oh we are just replacing “x” and fail to consider what “x” ends up changing, there could be big costs implications. It is better to do the analyses, know the data, know the impact, and prepare for the modification as the data returns. This way you ensure you are prepared as you make the change.
Reply 100 words to student Dustin Williams 250 words post wk 8:
I just want to start this forum post off by saying it has been a pleasuring learning with you all over the last 8 weeks. System modification is the change of the way a business operated their unique business plan. This can be multiple things from technology or even changes to the system practices or platform and how the business operates. As time goes on business objectives and goals change and modifications to the system have to take place to align the system with the objectives of the business. I use the example in my field of work in the Army. The Army implemented GCSS-A a software modification from their legacy system. This change was required to align the objectives of oversight in the Department of Defense. This modification to the system of how the Army logistic functions was a requirement to ensure the objectives and strategies of DOD are in place.
The requirements though after making this modification is retraining the users of the system. This modification will require new training, new technology such as computers and hardware, and even new key positions to manage the modification. Each modification to the system will require secondary requirements to support the modification. When change happens, we have to ensure the proper resources and training are available to support the system modification.
reply 100 words to student Amy 250 words post wk 8:
This is the final week together and I am very excited to be completed with another class. I am coming up on graduation and I look forward to the future. This semester has been a rough one, but I am made and it has been a pleasure collaborating with all of you.
System modifications are necessary upgrades to ensure that the system is working at its maximum potential and efficiency, however, modifications require extensive work to be put in place. When a modification is recommended or design the modification must go through the planning process. The life cycle cost is reevaluated and the maintenance schedule is confirmed to ensure their is no wasted parts. This is done through the logistics support team. All modifications have to be documented to ensure no mistakes are made and there are no production delays. Operators of the system need to be trained on the modifications and tests need to be run to ensure quality and effectiveness. Modifications can not be implemented overnight. Everyone involved has to be aware that the modification is taking place and when the full launch of the modification will take place. Announcing a launch date allows for all parties to be prepared and fully trained. It also allows the planning process to take place and all controlled documents are updated to ensure consistency. If the modification is rushed the efficiency of the system may suffer or there maybe unexpected downtime on the system, which can cost time and money. It is best that the planning process is completed thoroughly.