replies of 150–250 words each in response to 2 other classmates’ threads; you must also provide at least 1 “scholarly” reference in support of each of your replies .   The  scholarly references and scriptures you incorporate in your initial  posts and both replies must come from “outside” the class .  That is they can NOT come from the class, i.e. the textbook or  scriptures listed in the assignments/PowerPoints. You must go out and  search for them by yourself.   
Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis.  A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built  upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus,  the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build  upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the  ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely  affirm, restate, or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s)  and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion  will receive appropriate point deductions.  Remember to provide at  least 1 “scholarly” reference in support of each reply. 

 submit all replies by 10:59 p.m. (CST) on Monday of the same module/week.

  Lauren Bresnock                 
DB1  Collapse          

It  is my opinion that the focus of the criminal justice system is  generally more criminal rights based. I say this but also understand  that restorative justice is gaining in popularity and it is likely to  see a major shift within the next ten to fifteen years. Communities are  allowing the victim to be more involved which aligns with restorative  justice. Currently the criminal rights focus is more prevalent. The  Constitution is always a hot topic because a violation of the  constitution could end up having a criminal case thrown out which does  not provide justice for the offender or the victim. Careful focus on the  offender’s inalienable rights are more concerning as to not hurt the  case in any way. A few years ago, my dad’s truck was stolen from his  property. The offender was a classmate of mine who left his own vehicle  in my parent’s driveway (I know, right?). While the police were  searching the vehicle a brown paper bag of drugs was found. That charge  got dismissed as the windows of the vehicle were down and anyone could  have placed the drugs in that vehicle. The charge would have been a  violation of the offender’s right to avoid self-incrimination. 
I  think these two competing ideas can certainly be harmonized if done  correctly. The victims or victims’ families of a crime want punishment  and justice. Part of that justice could be the offender facing what they  have done not just in a court room, but in a setting that puts them  face to face with the victim or victim’s family. If the offender does  not really care, that type of justice may not be entirely effective, but  it can be healing for the victim or victim’s family. According to Ward  and Langlands, “Offenders ought to be held accountable but they also  should have the chance to turn their lives around. A cornerstone of this  process is the recognition and protection of their human rights by the  community and its criminal justice agencies” (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers, p.370). Offenders  and victims both deserve justice, but that justice can be served, and  the offender has the chance to do good and be better than they were. I  believe the idea of justice is ever changing depending on who is being  asked but as stated in the bible, “Follow justice and justice alone, so  that you may live and possess the land the LORD your God is giving you”  (Deuteronomy 16:20, NIV). Justice for the offender and the victim must  be met in order to begin restorative functions. 
Deuteronomy  16:20 – Follow justice and justice alone, so that you m… (n.d.).  Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
Ward, T., & Langlands, R. L. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Restorative justice and the human rights of offenders: Convergences and divergences. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 13(5), 355-372. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers.06.001


David Franks                 Justice      
During my 23 years in law enforcement, I have been  exposed to many different cases and situations that I see as defining my  beliefs for the focus of criminal justice, restorative justice and  criminal rights.  Every case I worked whether as a patrol officer or  deputy has given me a feel for how the “system” works as it relates to  individuals, the procedures and the final outcomes.  Knowing how to  navigate through the system makes law enforcement officers successful in  their job, but it also helps gain an understanding as to why things  happen the way they do.
The focus of Criminal Justice is the part where a  person is arrested, charged with a crime and enters into the court  system.  It is made up of law enforcement, the judges and lawyers.   Criminal justice is the building of a case for probable cause, preparing  a case for court, presenting the case to a jury and the sentencing or  dismissal by the jury or judge.  All the components must work together  to be successful, not only for a conviction, but to see that the person  is given due process and a fair trial.  However, there is always the  conflict between the three parts of the courts and how they look at the  law and the system as a whole. Law enforcement officers may find that  the courts do not understand the job that is done in making the arrest  and the fact that cases are dropped or plead out after lengthy  investigations. “Their interpretation, involvement and feelings of  justice lead police officers to feel that they judge matters of guilt  and evidence differently from public prosecutors and judges.” (Terpstra  & Kort, Dec 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online, p. 16)
The focus of restorative justice, to me, is an  alternative to the court system where the accused and the victim, along  with a moderator, can decide what type of sanctions can be assessed  without actually putting the offender into the justice system.  “The  restorative process and sanctions are guided by the philosophy that,  whereas the criminal act is bad and worthy of condemnation, the offender  is not” (Saulnier & Sivasubramaniam, Fall 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, p. 513)  This  process would be done in a pre-trial type hearing where the agreement  between the parties is made and the offender would have to abide by the  agreement or be moved into the justice system.
The focus of criminal rights would be based on the  right-based system where the rights of individuals would be set out in  the US Constitution, in the Bill of Rights.  By protecting the rights of  the accused, the criminal justice as a whole can ensure that a persons  due process rights and privacy rights are not violated and there is less  chance of a false conviction or a case being overturned on appeal.   “According to these experts, the authors of the Bill of Rights were  codifying a specific list of hard-fought and proudly won procedures to  protect private persons against government excesses.” (Samaha, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online,  Chapter 2-7a)
For all three to be harmonized, the three have to  coincide and work through step by step and have an understanding by all  those involved.  “Judgement will again be founded on justice, and those  with virtuous hearts will pursue it.” (Psalms 94:15, NLT) The criminal  justice system is necessary to process and enter the person into a  system.  At the beginning of the process is where restorative justice  can have a place versus retributive justice for the offender.  “Overall, the research indicates that endorsement of restorative justice is the result of a complex array of factors; the presence of some motivation to punish an offender does not necessarily preclude endorsements of restorative procedures.”  (Saulnier & Sivasubramaniam, Fall 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, p. 526)  If the restorative  does not work between all parties, then the person would enter the  justice system and have to go through the courts and the trials.  Criminal rights are always upheld within the entire process, whether it  be restorative or retributive, every person that s arrested has  particular rights that must be upheld throughout the processes which  ensures that no one is mistreated and the accused can at least feel that  he/she was treated fairly and that justice was upheld.
Samaha, J. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Criminal Procedure  (10th ed.). Retrieved from
Saulnier, A., & Sivasubramaniam, D. (Fall 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Restorative Justice: Underlying Mechanisms and Future Directions. New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 18(4), 510-536. – Research Paper Writing Help Service.18.4.510
Terpstra, J., & Kort, J. (Dec 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Police officers’ trust in criminal justice. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 47, 12-20. 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online.05.001

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