‘Cultural Studies’
The changing scope of global operation for most organizations increasingly requires that cultural adaptation to increase the efficiency in the day to day schedules on such entities is comprehensively undertaken. This robust position has also recently been adopted by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce as a central measure towards ensuring that the organization embraces a corporate culture that emphasizes on more aspects of gender diversity within its leadership structures (Birbrager 2). At the core of this formulation by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is the recent realization that crucial corporate aspects such as productivity of employees while at the work place depend on gender diversity within the workforce to a larger degree. Another reason that has inspired the initiatives of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerceis the desire of the organization to create a robust team of employees that will enable the timely attainment of the corporate mission and vision.Moreover, research has also shown that diversity is an important factor especially for the management of an organization such as Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce because it helps towards the modeling of key team leaders within the ranks of the organization (4).Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has also adopted gender diversity in leadership in order to spearhead the effective attainment of the goals and objectives of the organization as a measure to ensure that the recruitment process is properly aligned to the corporate strategy of the organization.The bank also seeks to embrace gender diversity in order to ensure smooth transition in the leadership structures of the organization as younger employees receive training from individual team leaders who happen to come from the same gender. It is also submitted that Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has several women leading the different departments and team within the company and the gender based diversity initiatives for the leadership of the organization will further bolster the desire for the bank to ensure gender balance in its leadership structures (7).
On another front, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has embarked on some key strategic positions in order to ensure that the gender diversity initiatives of the organization are properly aligned to its business needs. Specifically, the organization has undertaken the process of ensuring that all departments and the numerous teams within its structures are modified into effective working teams which are well balanced on gender aspects (5). The main objective of such a drive is to ensure that the productivity and motivational issues at the work place are effectively catered for as a core measure towards allowing for the holistic realization of organizational strategy. This is important in the sense that a gender balanced work force has a leveled point of view and this allows for easy adaptation of the employees to the corporate culture of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (9). The alignment of the gender diversity strategy of the company to the business needs of the corporate entity is also a crucial step that enables for the evolution of the focus of the organization towards embracing the creation of a gender sensitive work environment.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is made up of different departments which are each further sub-divided into the respective teams that help in the attainment of the needs for gender diversification in the organizational rank.The different corporate functions play a key role in the achievement of gender diversity strategy within the organization as demonstrated under the management role. For instance, the process of identification and recruitment of talent based individuals is essential towards the growth of the organization and this initiative contributes to the gender diversification strategy as it embraces equality at work place (11). Moreover, it is also submitted that the finance department of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has recruited many women as a measure towards formulation of both internal and external analysis of the organization. This example demonstrates the crucial role that the finance department of the company plays towards the alignment of corporate gender diversity needs to the business objectives as a function of the different department within Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (10).
As a preview to its adoption and the implementation of gender based diversity strategy for the company, it is noteworthy thatCanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce undertook an evaluation on the potential implications that such a strategy could have on the organization. The company came up with a gender diversity and inclusion framework that outlined a platform for the adoption of gender diversity and inclusivity measures in the year 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap (4).In particular, the organization sought to understand both the internal and external analysis of the effects of gender diversity in the corporate structures as a central measure to establish a robust case for the inclusion of gender diversity in the organization. The appraisal of the existing corporate mission and vision of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was also comprehensively covered with a view to aligning the new gender diversification strategy to the new organizational framework (8).
The analysis of the internal and external environment of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce as well as the alignment of the existing corporate mission and vision of the organization constituted the rightful change measures. This is especially correct in light of the initiatives for the inclusion of gender diversification strategy for company leadership since it enables for holistic growth and balanced attainment of corporate goals and objectives (5).This analysis suggests that the step towards the alignment of the organizational mission and vision to the gender diversity issues was the correct step for the bank. Moreover, the assessment of both the internal and external environment within which the organization operates is important towards ascertaining the potential business needs that must be accomplished in the process of tailoring a gender diversity based strategy for the corporate entity (9).
It is commendable that the bank adopted exhaustive measures in its incorporation of the gender diversity strategy that included the alignment of corporate mission and vision as well as a comprehensive assessment of both the internal and external environments (10). However, this analysis offers a further suggestion that stipulates that the adoption of gender diversity strategy should also take into consideration the culture of the organization. At its basic formulation, corporate culture connotes the tradition and the way of beliefs or a set of standards that are upheld by an entity (7). The consideration of corporate culture in the formulation of gender diversity needs that will fit the unique situation of the organization is crucial in the implementation phase of the change by the management of the entity.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has undertaken a critical exposition on its main successes and the challenges that the organization continues to face in the area of gender diversity as it seeks to attain this strategic objective. Some of the main successes include the fact that the organization has recruited a larger number of women to take up active leadership roles within its management structure as is readily evidentin the number of women in the finance department (8). Moreover, over sixty percent of the total employees who work for Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce are of female gender and a considerable number of women continue to hold key leadership roles within the organization.The main challenges that the organization faces in its initiative to adopt the gender diversity strategy include the fact that women are slow at getting involved in certain key sectorial departments of the entity (4). For instance, it is submitted that women are more active in the administration section of the organization as opposed to other important functional units such as the technology unit or finance department group. Moreover, the bank has also failed to come up with a robust and dynamic corporate strategy that allows for the system of gender diversity to address any gaps that may arise in the course of implementation (6). The problem under this is that the gender diversity and inclusiveness initiative may lack the required impetus towards meeting the business needs in the ever changing global business market. It is important to note that the submitted case has addressed the successes and challenges of the bank in a comprehensive manner and this analysis offers no further additions.
It is important to note that the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is currently in the process of encouraging women to join the active organizational departments that include functional units such as the technology unit or finance department group (8). This is a positive initiative in that it will enable more women to be included in leadership tasks in the less crowded departmental areas of the organization hence the wider room for personal growth and professional development for such women.
The organization should consider the formulation and adoption of a flexible training program that will allow female employees to join the company at internship levels. This would prove to be a beneficial move because it offers the opportunity for holistic growth or professional development as an individual as well as other key aspect of gender diversity strategy.
The adoption of an entry level training that includes internship program that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of women would obviously attract me as a potential employee of the organization. This is because such a program entails comprehensive training which also accords the different women trainees the maximum latitude for both personal and professional development.
Yes, it is possible that the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce can attain gender diversity in positions of senior management. This analysis justifies this postulate on the basis of the fact that the company already has in place measures that will ensure that women are actively engaged in the important functional units such as the technology unit or finance department group. This initiative will ensure that women are recruited to fill in the gaps that exist under senior management within the functional units.
The other actions that the organization needs to undertake in order to ensure that women are recruited into positions of senior management include the formulation and adoption of women friendly policy documents. In essence, this implies that the organization should create an enabling environment that will ensure that women thrive as they grow into positions of senior management within the leadership structures of the company.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce should continue setting up priority awards that are gender diversity oriented in order to stimulate more competition among the female employees of the organization (7). The ban should also revise its corporate strategy in order to allow for greater latitude of diversity and inclusion through a policy framework that protects the interest of women in corporate leadership roles. Some of the things that the bank should stop doing include its progress on a strategic roadmap which is rigid and incapable of accommodating the ever expanding frontiers in gender diversity and inclusiveness. Moreover, the company should also undertake awareness and educational roles as a central step towards ensuring that women are sensitized on their untapped potential towards becoming corporate leaders.

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Birbrager, Lindsay. CIBC: Fostering an Inclusive Culture, Leading With Gender.Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online): 1- 11. Print.

Leahy, S., 2021. Fostering Equity and Inclusion Across The Gender Spectrum in the Law School Classroom. Villanova Law Review, 65(5), p.1105

Warren, Meg A., et al. “Reinvigorating research on gender in the workplace using a positive work and organizations perspective.” International Journal of Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Reviews 21.4 (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers): 498-518. –


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