Directions: Read the document on: Key Facts About Charter School by clicking on the link as identified below. Once you complete your reading, complete the discussion questions as identified below. Remember, it is up to you to  provide scholarly responses that clearly identify, explain, describe, and discuss. For example:If a question directs you to identify and explain, you must perform both tasks completely. When responding to the questions or statements, you must respond in complete sentences. Assume that your reader has no knowledge of what you are trying to explain. As a result, you must explain. These are not one statement or one sentence responses. 

I need help writing my essay – research paper restate each of the questions prior to responding.

Type this assignment in Times New Romans 12 size font.

Save this assignment as a Word document. Upload and submit the assignment to Canvas.

I need help writing my essay – research paper check your work for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling prior to submission.

I need help writing my essay – research paper review the rubrics for evaluation of the discussion questions. 

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Questions:

1. What are charter schools?

2. How are charter schools different from public and private schools?

3. What grade level do charter schools serve?

4. Identify and explain the demographic features of charter school students, race and ethnicity, income and household, gender,  and the percentage of ELL and Special Education students. 

5. How did charter schools originate?

I need help writing my essay – research paper view the rubric for the evaluation of this assignment. 

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